𝟐𝟑 - 𝐏𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐞

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Another day had blown by with you sulking and wandering around your house. It was probably good anyways since going out would mean taking him with you. 

Mia was off finalizing some final things for her wedding. You had offered to go but she knew you hardly got a break from work so she wanted you to rest which practically you had way too much of now as you roamed still in your pajamas around your estate. 

Your mother was gone too, even before you had woken up and as of now you had no idea where she was. 

The only people in the house were you and Jungkook, thankfully both far far away from each other. 

Jungkook was in his room while you were in the garden roaming. 

It was getting pretty dark. 

The light post near you suddenly started to flicker and in about a minute the whole house was down. There was no light anywhere. It was pitch black. You hurried back into your house looking for a flashlight you had seen in one of the kitchen drawers. You were panicking mainly because people were always after you and what if this was another kidnapping.

"Looking for this", you flinched hearing the voice before seeing Jungkook holding the flashlight, the light blinding your eyes.

"Sorry", he mumbled moving the light out of your eyes and pointing nearby.

It was if he had forgotten all the bad blood between the both of you, for now at least. 

"What do we do now?", you sighed pacing back and forth, the question not directed to someone particular.

"I guess it's just a power outage, it must have something to do with the circuits running off", Jungkook began explaining as if it was basic knowledge to anyone.

After a while of avoiding each other, you even finally got to see his face again, he looked more handsome than ever, even if he was just in sweats and in poorer if not the same condition as you.

"The circuit box is outside, I'll go take a look", he stated as he began to walk away.

You panicked once more because you remained in the dark, left alone for anyone to come and attack you.

Slowly, you began to walk behind Jungkook, following his flashlight to know exactly where he was. 

Suddenly the flashlight stopped moving as you heard a slight chuckle. 

"You wanted to come with? You could've just asked", Jungkook smiled, not one of those egotistical smirks of his but more sincere.

"Y-yeah, I guess I don't have a flashlight so...", you tried to explain yourself, something that didn't make you look like a coward.

Jungkook continued walking as you walked right next to him this time, afraid you could also get attacked from behind.

You eventually reached a grey box in between some bushes. Jungkook opened it and began his inspection as you stood behind on full alert.

"Everything looks fine here", Jungkook stood thinking with one hand on his hip.

"It looks like the power outage is from an outside source", he concluded.

"I guess all we can do is wait", he added. 

But you couldn't wait, the people who caused this were probably waiting to attack you, how were you supposed to be calm about this.

Jungkook began walking again as you walked with him like a lost puppy. 

You guys went back to your house as you sighed a breath of relief, safe .

"You alright?", Jungkook saw your distressed face.

"Y-yeah, why wouldn't I be?", you laughed out loud not caring how hysterical it sounded.

"Alright then, it's getting late, I'm off to bed", he informed you before passing you the flashlight and heading up the stairs. 

You wanted to yell no! You would do anything to be not left alone with nothing but a flashlight in the cold dark.

"I guess I should head to bed too", you explained before trying to run up the stairs before Jungkook.

"Umm okay", Jungkook didn't know why you were acting like this.


You lay in your bed tossing and turning. You couldn't possibly sleep especially when it was pitch black with no one around you.

You were never scared of much but after Daniel's attack, a lot had changed, you were more aware of your surroundings now.

And now in the dark, the moonlight was clearly not enough to get you to rest in peace.

Frustrated, you got up out of bed.

Jungkook's room was very much still the room next to you and you had no other choice but to give in.

You took a sneak peak into his room to see him turned away, only his back was visible to you.

You sighed in defeat, you couldn't possibly wake him up if he was asleep.

"Jungkook", you called out hoping he hadn't fallen asleep.

"Hmm", you got a reply back as he turned to find where your voice was coming from.

You hadn't really prepared what to say and now that you had his full attention, what were you going to say?

"Can't sleep?", he sat on the bed.

"I mean I could if I didn't feel like I was going to get kidnapped", you mumbled to yourself not thinking much about whether Jungkook could hear but he sure did.

"You're afraid of getting kidnapped?", he asked.

Your eyes widened and your cheeks flushed.

"W-what, I never said that", you quickly replied. 

He patted the space on his bed as for you to come in and take a seat.

"That's okay Y/N, you have every right to be afraid, it wasn't easy what you went through", he said making you feel reasonable for having such a fear.

You took a seat on his bed.

"But don't worry, as long as I'm here, I won't let anything happen to you", he stated and just like that you didn't feel so alone and scared.

He lay on the bed, watching how tired you look, he wanted you to go to sleep.

You followed his lead and lay on his bed as well. Your eyes meeting each other's with a comfortable distance in between.

"I'm sorry about the whole drink thing", you apologized because despite having been absolutely horrible to him, he had moved on as if it were nothing.

"I'm sorry too, for calling you a brat", he replied smiling, the twinkle in his eyes the brightest even in the dark.

"Well go to sleep now, goodnight princess, I'm right here if you need anything", he turned away from you.

You felt content, you had resolved your conflict with Jungkook but the weird feeling continued to persist. The one where you couldn't believe you were sleeping in Jungkook's bed, his soft scent lingering around his room.

His back towards you being a comfortable sign that he was going to keep you safe. There was a type of warmth and security that you had never felt before.

If only you could stay right here, forever.


Hope you enjoyed! ❤️✨

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