𝟎𝟔 - 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐚𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐜

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"Listen up, I'm Y/N's bodyguard so if it concerns her, it concerns me so I suggest you leave before you make a fool out of yourself", he said through gritted teeth as you stayed stunned at a corner.

"Pfft, whatever", Daniel scoffed removing Jungkook's hands from his collar as he straightened his suit. "See you around Y/N", he smiled at you then glared at Jungkook before leaving the elevator.

It was an awkward atmosphere for a while as both you and Jungkook reflected on the past event. "You okay Y/N?", he grabbed your hand so you were facing him. He put a hair strand behind your ear so he could take a better look at you. He wasn't teasing anymore, his question was genuine as his concern filled eyes looked to you.

"Y-yeah I'm fine", you softly smiled before Jungkook let go of you. "Good", he smiled and just like that you were at your office floor.

"Wow, now that's a view!", Jungkook spoke running around like a child eyeing the fully glassed window that span around the whole office.

"Ok ok quit being a child", you chuckled, "I have a lot of work to do today so what will you do in the meantime?", you asked.

Jungkook hummed as a response, thinking to himself for a second, "I can help you out", he offered.

"You don't know a single thing about what I do", you stated.

"Well I can learn", he replied.

As desperate as you were today, you definitely would love a helping hand so you were going to teach him a couple of things.

"Ok so, you just have to sort these files by names and location then arrange them in here", you pointed at a shelf.

"Pfft that's it, looks easy", he cockily grinned leaving you to roll your eyes.

Just like that, the two of you worked in your office the whole day, Jungkook only leaving to get you some food which was actually nice since you didn't eat much in the office considering your busy schedule.

"Ughh, the sun is about to set, how much longer are you going to work?", he groaned.

"Give me a minute", you mumbled continuing to furiously type on your computer.

"One minute? you said that like two hours ago", Jungkook whined.

"Well I have to work so shut up!", you retorted.

"Wow, someone's in a mood", he mumbled as you narrowed your eyes at him.

Just then, you saw his eye smile appear as he looked to the scene behind you. "Woah, this sunset is breathtaking".

You turned around to view it too, "You enjoy sunsets too?", you asked.

"It's one of the little joys in life everyone everywhere can experience, it's free and beautiful", he stated, mesmerized by the view.

You sat next to him on the floor as both of you stared off into the sunset. "Yeah I enjoy it too because no matter what the sun will always set and come back up, it's one thing that will always be here", you smiled.

"and the sun and moon in perfect harmony, a love no human could grasp", he spoke as if he'd stolen the words you were thinking.


The sunset had soon passed and with it, the night had come along. You were used to of working long hours so you planned on staying longer. You turned back around to work when Jungkook spoke,"Oh so you're a workaholic".

You didn't know why but you absolutely hated when someone called you a workaholic, "excuse me, say that again", you dared him.

"What? A workaholic, that is what you are", he mumbled the last part making you furious.

"I'm sorry, running the most successful company isn't so easy", you rolled your eyes.

"Yeah, I know, I'm just saying, it's okay to take a break once in a while", he sighed.

A break, you hadn't taken a break in ages and you wanted to prove Jungkook wrong, you weren't a workaholic.

"Fine, I guess I could try a break", you mumbled.

"Yesss!", he exclaimed.

"Well let's see, how about we do something for fun", he suggested as you logged off your computer and the both of you called it a day, heading out of your office.

"Umm, what do you do for fun?", you asked Jungkook because frankly, you had no clue.

Yikes!, you were indeed a workaholic.

"How about watching a movie", he suggested as you both had now made it to the car and you rolled your eyes at how Jungkook was the one driving once again.

"Like at home?", you asked.

"No, at a cinema", he stated.

You weren't even that comfortable going out for fun, forget a large crowd yet you agreed.


Jungkook had suggested a new horror movie that came out and you hadn't ever seen a horror movie but how bad could it possible be you thought and just like that you both were seated in the cinema as the lights went down meaning the movie was starting.

Almost halfway through the movie and the amount of jump scares was definitely illegal. Gosh, someone could die from a heart attack seeing this movie. You were frightened to say the least.

You reached into the popcorn bucket to grab some more popcorn, your eyes still glued to the screen when you felt a hand grabbing yours and you let out the biggest scream followed by Jungkook laughing.

"SSSHHHHHH", the whole theatre went as you sat back down in your seat.

He was just messing around with you, what a monster.

The movie had soon ended and you were so thankful.

"Someone was scared", Jungkook commented as you turned around to shoot him death glares.

"Yeah only because you had purposely tried to scare me", you retorted.

"What can I say, it's fun messing with you", he chuckled.

Wow, you would never understand this boy.


Not that action packed for now but a lot of  Y/Nkook moments.

Thank you for reading, Hope you enjoyed!❤️✨

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