𝟐𝟒 - 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐜𝐚𝐧'𝐭 𝐛𝐞 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

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Jungkook sat patiently, watching the leaves, some crinkled on the ground, others swaying with the wind.

He sat waiting on the café chair and his eyes finally lit up seeing Jimin walk to him.

"Took you long enough", Jungkook groaned throwing hs head back.

"If I have to hear you whine, I'm leaving", Jimin protested.

"I was kidding", Jungkook quickly bud in.

"Now tell your hyung whats going on", Jimin took a seat opposite to Jungkook as he ordered himself a coffee just like Jungkook had.


"I-I don't know how to say it", you slumped back on your bed.

You had called Mia up because maybe somewhere you were ready to accept something and the only person to help you or even be able to understand where you were coming from had to be Mia.

"Lee Y/N, you did not just call me here on the very last days of my wedding preparation and expect me to take I don't know for an answer", if it were possible, smoke could be seen coming out of Mia's ears.

"It's just, there's this tingling feeling in my chest, I think they call it getting butterflies or something", to be honest, you were unsure of anything and everything you were feeling.


"And its like the adrenaline I get when I workout or the greatest feeling of coming home to a fridge stacked with banana milk", Jungkook explained.

"So you just randomly have these feelings?", Jimin asked.

"I guess, I just don't know what it is", Jungkook held his face in his hands, his thinking face in full work.

"You don't know!" Jimin went out on a whole rant.

"It's been in front of you this whole time, do you need me to spell it out for you!?", Jimin had officially lost it and Jungkook was not prepared.


"It's crystal clear and you've just been neglecting it, surpassing the feeling, haven't you Y/N?!", Mia came nose distance away from you making you shudder slightly at her cold touch.

You gulped, "Ok so...m-maybe I wasn't ready to admit it".

"You think!", you were lucky the pillows on your bed were far out of Mia's reach otherwise she may have hit you a little.

"Alright I admit, this is about Jungkook", even his name could muster a small smile on your face.

Yes, you had totally lost it and you were going with it.


"So it is about Y/N", Jungkook confessed.

"I-I don't know hyung, I've never felt this emotion before, it's all fuzzy and warm", Jungkook cringed.

He'd never been the cheesy guy, he always put up a front and he could be pretty oblivious at times. Like the time when he went to an all boys college yet somehow, he would always get a crowd of girls in the parking lot. He thought it happened to everyone but in reality he had people swooning over him all the time, especially after they had witnessed Jungkook take down the school bully.

"Have you ever had any close interactions with Y/N before?", Jimin asked if he were a detective coming slowly yet surely close to his final conclusion.


You looked down, your cheeks instantly turning pink.

"Therewasthismomentsherewealmostkissedatnightinthepoolbutitsallinthepast", you began to laugh hysterically.

"What? Say it slower", Mia crossed her arms and you knew you didn't want to go against her, she looked intimidating.

"Fine", you sighed in defeat.

"We...may have almost...like kissed", you mumbled.

"Lee Y/N, how come you never told me!", it was Mia's second attempt at raging.


"To be fair, I didn't say anything because it never actually happened", Jungkook protested.

"Why? What happened?", Jimin intrigued.

"I backed out, I just couldn't, I was her bodyguard, do you know how unprofessional it would have been?", Jungkook frustratedly replied.

"Unprofessional my butt!", Jimin smacked the table.

"You would've come to know if she felt the same way", Jimin added.


"Same way? Wait I don't even know what I feel", you stated.

"Of course you don't, you've never felt that before but it's called love silly", Mia smiled.

"Love?", you said the words which felt weird rolling off your tongue.


"Love?", Jungkook began to laugh hysterically.

"You're funny hyung", Jungkook added.

"What's so funny, I'm telling the truth", Jimin glared not understanding.


"Will you quit laughing, it's not funny", Mia shook your shoulders to get you out of your laughing fit.

"Love?", you questioned again recovering but still chuckling at the idea.

"That can't be right", you blew the whole thing off.


"That is definitely not correct", Jungkook stated.

"How would I even know it's love?", Jungkook asked.

"You just do", Jimin replied.


You shook your head, it couldn't be that simple.

It couldn't be that easy.

In fact, wasn't love a facade?, a mere infatuation people made commitments out of which end up breaking like your parents .

"And what about Jungkook? What if he feels nothing?", you asked remembering the night you attempted to go in for the kiss but he moved, he left you there and even just thinking about it made your heart hurt.


"Ok sure, so you don't exactly know how Y/N feels but it's worth confessing, it's worth trying, it always is", Jimin assured.

"I don't even know what I would be confessing to", Jungkook let his hands cover his face in agony.

Why was he feeling this way?

He wanted this feeling to disappear forever and not keep him awake at night, not make him wander around your house searching for your soft rosy scent.

Jungkook had been a street fighter for most of his life and he knew he had to always keep moving, no feelings attached and maybe that was the only way to get rid of all this.

Maybe he had to go...away from you...for good.


I really wanted to do something like this, Y/N and Jungkook's parts going back and forth.

Hope you enjoyed!❤️✨

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