𝐁𝐨𝐧𝐮𝐬 𝟎𝟐: 𝐆𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐭

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Situated on the table next to Jungkook and across Mia and Jimin, you fiddled with your fork on the table.

You were on a double date and this had become a sort of tradition ever since you and Jungkook had gotten married.

It was weird to call him your husband, it was weird to internalize the fact that he was merely your bodyguard a couple of years ago but life was unpredictable and in its fullest extent, beautiful.

"Something specific you want to eat?", Jungkook turned to ask you.

Unfortunate for you, the menu contained sushi rolls and practically nothing else. You loved sushi on any other given time but this time, you were guilty of keeping something to yourself, to afraid to disclose it to anyone, especially Jungkook.

Your cheeks began to burn as you thought of the fact that Jungkook could probably see right through you.

"You okay hun?", Jungkook asked cupping your cheeks, bringing you back to reality.

"Is it too hot? Should I get them to turn on the air conditioner? You know how your cheeks become red when it's too hot", he threw all his concerns at you and if it were any other time, you would awe at his behaviour towards you but today, you grabbed his hands from your cheeks and dropped them.

"I-I'm completely fine, I just don't feel hungry so I'll just take some water maybe", you faked a smile.

Jungkook hesitated on your answer but before he could question you, the waiter stood in front of him, giving him no time to question and instantly order the food.

"If you still feel you want to eat, you can take some of mine", he winked as he placed his hand on top of yours at the table.

You could see his wedding ring shine on his finger due to direct light hitting it. He was really yours.

You stared then across the table only to realize you and Jungkook weren't in your own bubble, there was Jimin who was just chit chatting with Jungkook and there was Mia who was glaring suspiciously at you.

Now it really was getting hotter in here and you wished you'd taken Jungkook's request of turning up the air conditioner.

Not being able to take Mia's intense stares, you excused yourself to the washroom.

Little did you know, Mia had followed you.

You entered the washroom as you began to wash your hands in cold water as if that would rid you of your immense guilt.

The silent washroom was soon bombarded by Mia entering as you slightly flinched at her presence.

"You scared me", you held your chest.

"Oh did I?", she retorted.

"Is there perhaps something you should be hiding since you're obviously scared", she let out making you almost choke on your saliva.

Mia always proved time and time again that she was your best friend, she knew you like a poet knows their work.

You huffed in defeat, it wouldn't hurt to get it off your chest to Mia.

𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐲𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐉𝐞𝐨𝐧 - 𝐉𝐤Where stories live. Discover now