𝟐𝟖 - 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐝 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞

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WARNING: Too much fluff that you may just get a cuteness overload so be warned!


Stupid love! It makes you do crazy things like letting you run to the airport in your pajamas only to become a fool who would cry her way home.

At least that's what you intended when you turned around to see your mother and Mia giving you pity smiles at your failed attempt.

You were about to move when you heard the faintest voice call out, "Y/N".

You slightly chuckled shaking your head, it sounded like Jungkook but I guess hallucinations were a side effect of loosing someone you deeply cared about.

"Y/N, what are you doing here?", Jungkook stood mere steps away from you as your heartbeat quickened.

You turned around to see him right in front of you.

Were you dreaming? Maybe...

You rubbed your eyes furiously but he was very much still there.

The thought that he would vanish again phased you as without thinking much, you tackled him in a hug.

"Woah woah, is everything alright?", he asked, returning the hug instantly.

"I thought you left", you were the biggest mess at this point with your hair sticking everywhere and your face stained with tears.

He let you cry in his embrace till the point his shirt was wet with all your tears. He stroked your back to calm you down.

"My flight got delayed so I still had time before departing", he replied.

"Please don't leave", you wiped your tears with your cardigan sleeve. Never in a million years did you think to sound so desperate but it actually made Jungkook's heart flutter. You didn't want him to leave and to be honest, he didn't want to leave you either.

"I'm so stupid for realizing this now", you added.

"Well", he wiped away your tears with his thumb ever so gently.

"You are stupid, I'll give you that", he chuckled. How could he possibly find the time to be a jerk now and yet nothing could stop you from wanting this jerk to be yours.

"I'm serious Jungkook, you're the sun to my moon, you're my perfect harmony", you connected your foreheads together as he instantly smiled on you having used his line against him.

"I love you", you whispered because it was a secret that you only wanted to cherish with him.

You couldn't wait any longer as you crashed your lips on his, taking him by surprise but nevertheless he kissed back with just as much sincerity. You could feel his lips turn upwards slightly as your lips mimicked his.

He pulled away first only to hold your waist and bring you closer to him until he couldn't anymore.

"I love you too princess", he giggled as he peppered the rest of your face with kisses, slowly reversing all the effect the tears had had on your face.

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