𝟎𝟑- 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐲

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You felt the air conditioning breeze as soon as you entered the building making you feel at home. Lots of employees greeted you and even smiled and waved as you went up to the floor of your office.

Your work place was a friendly environment and you had made it that way to make it all the more inviting to young people just like you.

You walked out to your office with the all around glass view and you were just in time for the sunset. You smiled from your desk upon seeing the sun sink below the city.

It was beautiful how no matter what happened, the sun always went down and came back up again. You wondered if sometime it felt like you, a little bit alone even if it were shining for everyone else, it didn't shine for itself but then again, the sun has the moon and they work in perfect harmony, a bound that can't be broken, something you could never find in the real world, the type of love no human could grasp.

Your dazed thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a hand on yours making you flinch.

"It's just me Y/N", Daniel chuckled upon seeing your tensed up state. He then left a kiss on the back of your hand making you all the more uncomfortable. Daniel, similar to you ran a successful tech company only that it was handed down to him by his father.

He had always been lurking around you from the start which made you assume he liked you but you never had the urge to blow him off properly.

"So have you thought about the deal ?", Daniel asked. He was talking about the proposal he made to you on merging both of your companies which would make both of you tech giants not only in the county but in the world. You were still iffy on the decision because you weren't really fond of Daniel and the guy seemed sketchy to you.

"I'm still thinking about it, give me time", you faked a smile.

"Take all the time you need, I'll always be here, infact I wanted to ask you something", he stated coming closer to you. You gulped at his close proximity and backed away slightly from his touch.

"Would you like to go on a date with me?", he asked, not sounding nervous at all, as if he was the most handsome man alive and any girl would kill to go out with him which was true, but you weren't like every other girl.

"I'm flattered but I actually have to be home for dinner" you stated, thanking your mother internally for the circumstances that allowed you to reject him.

"I understand", he nodded. For a man of his status who got everything practically handed to him, he was taking this rejection very well.

"Well now that this is over, I have to be home soon", you smiled, grabbing your bag and heading to the elevator.

Daniel knew all too well you were a stubborn brat and of course you weren't going to give up your multimillion dollar company so easily. He tried to lure you with the lovey dovey stuff, the things any normal girl would die for but when it failed to work on you, he had no other option. He quickly dialled a number and violently put the phone to his ear.

"I want Y/N dead", he yelled into the phone.

"Send your best men for the job and I'll pay extra if it's within this month", he smirked.


You were driving back home letting your thoughts crash on you as they did so, these days especially you were feeling lonelier but you promised yourself it wouldn't bother you, but talks about Mia's wedding made you wish you had someone of your own.

It wasn't like it was that easy anyways, it wasn't like your knight in shining armour, if there were such a thing would run into you at any given moment now.

𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐲𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐉𝐞𝐨𝐧 - 𝐉𝐤Where stories live. Discover now