𝟏𝟖 - 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐧 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐬𝐞

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You didn't feel anything......how was that possible?

Slowly you opened one eye only to stare at Jungkook now passing you a mischievous grin. The gun long gone from his hand and then you saw Daniel next to him, groaning as he held his leg, bleeding with a freshly made wound.

You connected the dots instantly in pure shock, Jungkook shot Daniel and not you. If things weren't chaotic before, they sure were now.

"You idiot! how do you expect to get your money after that", Daniel retorted through his heaves of breath trying to control the pain in his lower body. As much as he was trying, he was not able to get up.

"It's what rats like you deserve", Jungkook scoffed.

Seconds later, you could hear the police sirens and then lots of metal clinging of all of Daniel's men getting handcuffed followed by an out of breath Jimin coming to collect Daniel.

Right before Jimin left by dragging Daniel who was in defeat and couldn't even look anyone in the eye anymore, he did comment, "You didn't actually think we would turn on you, did you?". You nervously chuckled, what else were you supposed to think?


Everything was looking much better except you were still stranded on the edge of the plank and with one more look down, your legs started shaking intensively .

"Alright Y/N", Jungkook called out who was across from you and you envied him standing on solid land which you didn't have access to as of now.

"The plank is far too unstable, you have to get off it by yourself", he added as he watched the fear in your eyes grow.

"J-jungkook, I can't, I just can't", you let out a frustrated cry. This was not an ideal situation.

"You can, I know you can", his encouraging words passed right over your head as you tried to take one step but the plank moved too violently for you to move again. You stayed paralyzed.

"Look at me", Jungkook ordered as he saw you panicking even more.

"Just look at me", he used a calmer tone and so you did look at him. How was this supposed to be of any help? You were yet to figure that out but you were willing to do anything.

Your eyes were locked on his now.

"Take a deep breath and take small steps towards me, I'm right here", he put out his hand but from where you were, his hand was too far out of reach.

"Do you trust me?", he asked all of a sudden causing you to really ponder about that question.

Trust was a funny thing ,you see once it is broken, there is no going back.

You learned that when your father left your mother, you learned that when people befriended you only for your money, you learned that when you realized that there was no such thing as true love. Everyone had their own greed to fulfill.

But here where you were, here were you looked at Jungkook's doe eyes that totally engulfed you. You didn't want to look anywhere, you couldn't look anywhere else.

For the first time, you felt safe. No amount of money ever made you feel safe, you were starting to think you never would truly feel safe but now you did, in the presence of a stranger your mother picked up off the street, your bodyguard, the one who came to save you even though he would have to risk it all.

"Yes", the reply to his question practically flowed out of your mouth.

You slowly started walking towards him, looking at nothing but him, your only goal was to be in his arms reach, to hold that hand he gladly laid out in front of you.

"You're almost there", Jungkook smiled, the one that reached his eyes, the first one ever of its kind you had seen.

The hand that looked too far out of reach was soon right in front of you as you clasped your own tightly around his. He pulled you into him and now he was right next to you, you were engulfed in a hug as he stroked your hair.

"You did great princess", he whispered in your hair.

You could feel his heart beating right next to yours and it was music to your ears.

Why was that all the reassurance you ever needed?

Why did you never want this moment to end?

Why did you feel so at peace?


Finally some fluff, its a break from all that action LOL!

Hope you enjoyed!❤️✨

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