𝟏𝟎 - 𝐑𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐩𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐥𝐞

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Jungkook tackled the man to the ground only to be given several looks from around the store. You ran to the two men on the floor, trying your best to get a hold of Jungkook. For all you knew, he was mugging an innocent man.

"Jungkook!, let him go, are you crazy?", you yelled and in your attempts to turn down the heat, you only made it worse.

"Y/N, he's here to get you, now let me go", he huffed as he easily, wiggling his shoulders, loosened your grip on him causing you to fall back.

Mia instantly came to help you up and now the employees were already calling mall security. This was not a good look.

Jungkook had the man pinned down on his stomach, his hands held tightly by Jungkook behind his back.

"Now tell me who sent you!", Jungkook demanded causing the man to flinch.

"I- I don't know what you're talking about?", the man was playing innocent or he actually was innocent.

Jungkook ripped the Bluetooth device from his ear, crushing it in his bare hands.

"Tell me who sent you here or I'll personally find out and when I do, you'd hate to be on the other side of it", there was this aura of Jungkook that you'd never seen before.

Sure he was annoying, a flirt and other things which caused you to believe he had an attitude issue but never had you seen him so mad, it was like if you looked right at him, he'd burn you with his mere eye contact. He was scary to say the least.

"I swear I swear no one sent me here, I'm innocent!", the man spoke with all he could since being crushed under Jungkook wasn't an optimal position for his lungs.

"Let him go, he said he's innocent", you pulled Jungkook off the man and although he was hesitant, he followed.

Mia quickly bought her dress and yours even though this day out wasn't as you expected, you were lucky to get out of there before the police arrived.

Jungkook walked in fast strides ahead of you, still clearly frustrated about the situation that happened prior in the mall. He was doing his job and it bothered him how you hadn't let him. He was trying to protect you and yet you painted him out to be the bad guy. Something felt off about the guy and Jungkook's gut feeling had never lied to him this far.

He slammed the car door shut after getting in causing you to flinch as you got into the front passenger seat. He stayed like this, grumpy and mad till you guys reached your house after dropping Mia off but you weren't letting this go like this. You wanted to know why he was mad? It some how made you agitated, as if you had some sort of responsibility to ask him. That somehow he felt more than just your bodyguard, maybe even a friend.

"Are you okay?", you asked putting your hand on his shoulder as he looked up from the steering wheel.

"What's your problem!", you got the anger thrown at you as you were taken a back, unaware of what you had done wrong.

"It's my job to protect you, you shouldn't have come and interrupted me, who knows what if he was the bad guy", he spoke clearly frustrated.

"But he wasn't! You were acting completely crazy, tackling a man infront of everyone", you gave him his attitude back.

"Well what I do is my problem, not yours, I can't understand you rich people, first you want protection and th-", he looked over at your face and something told him he had gone too far.

It was the way your eyes dropped to look at the ground as if his words had triggered something, it was the way the tears came cascading out of your eyes and he knew he was the cause of it.

"I wasn't always rich, I built everything from my hands but it's fine, I guess I am spoiled but don't worry I won't be your problem anymore", you spoke, wiping off the remaining of your tears.

"No Y/N, I didn't mean it like-", Jungkook was quick to protest only for you to cut him off.

"You're right you didn't mean it and you won't ever get the chance to because I'm done with your attitude, you're fired!", the words rang loud and clear in Jungkook's head as if they were taunting him. You ran out the car leaving the shocked Jungkook behind.

- - - - - - - -

"Sir, I followed them home from the mall, I have the target in sight, silly fools really thought I was innocent", the man you had once seen in the mall spoke in his new bluetooth device now.

"Good, everything's going exactly according to plan", Daniel smirked.


Ahh it's been a while since I uploaded but thanks for sticking around till now! ❤️✨

What should happen next?

𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐲𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐉𝐞𝐨𝐧 - 𝐉𝐤Where stories live. Discover now