Going Home.

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Hi everyone, this is my first ever fanfic and I'm kinda nervous so anyway. A little backstory to this book this set in 4th year where they are sixteen, Fred and George are only one year older in the 5th year. Louix and Oliver are in 6th year. This will loosely follow the original story line and I may add and/or remove deaths from the original too. There will be around nine characters that are inspired by my friends. Amira is inspired by me but please imagine her however you would like so I wont talk about her description. Anyway so here we go...

Quick new character summary: Amira Kingsley (MC), Darya Martins, Veronica Black, Poala Ruisenor, Aila Fay, Camila Elizondo, Monica Young, Kelaiah Dawson, Nevaeh Gomez, Rosa Lupin (her friends), Louix Kingsley (Older brother) and Ashlin (she's a very very nice person irl, her personality in this fanfic is not like it is in rl)

Quick new character summary: Amira Kingsley (MC), Darya Martins, Veronica Black, Poala Ruisenor, Aila Fay, Camila Elizondo, Monica Young, Kelaiah Dawson, Nevaeh Gomez, Rosa Lupin (her friends), Louix Kingsley (Older brother) and Ashlin (she's a ve...

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My friend Ajla made this based on the MC's friendship group, show it some love.


Amira's eyes awoke from the bright sunlight shining into her room and shot up quickly from her bed. Today is the day she goes home! Yes she loves her family so very much and spending summer with them was amazing but she felt free and happy at Hogwarts especially with her friends.

Amira has always felt like Hogwarts was her home, from the first moment she walked into the great hall i 1st year she felt a warmth welcoming feeling that she had never felt before. She felt that no one was judging her or that she could be herself, she felt safe and that is what home was to her. She also couldn't wait to see her friends as her parents don't let her see them over the summer time since they say it's meant to be "family time."

Her family consists of a large proud, powerful, rich, Ravenclaw family, which she doesn't feel welcome in half the time, her immediate family was her mother, Xaia who loves everything to be perfect and controlled, her father, Mataita who agrees with her mother but is more laidback and her brother Louix who is a product of his mother.

"Darling are you up" Calmly shouted a smooth voice.

"Yes mother, I'm coming down in a minute" Called back Amira.

"Good because your father is nearly done loading the car" Amira's mother Xaia responded.

Amira ran too the bathroom to get ready, she was in such a hurry of excitement she was dropping her tooth brush and spilling toothpaste everywhere. When she ran back into her room she put on the outfit she had gotten out the night before just like a kid before a school trip, she put on her new jeans with a belt, dr. Martin boots and her favorite muggle band t-shirt AC⚡DC, which her muggle-born friend, Poala, introduced to her a few years ago and she's loved them ever since.

She finally got ready and went down stairs to see her mother hugging her older brother, Louix who was the perfect child, the proud, prefect Ravenclaw student with perfect grades, who never got in trouble. Whilst Amira felt like a disappointment, the only Slytherin in her proud family who only caused more trouble then good.

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