A misunderstanding.

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Hi guys this chapter will be in Veronica's POV.

Veronica stood there in the doorframe holding a cupcake. Vanilla and strawberry, his most favourite flavour. Veronica began to slightly shake her head and Amira quickly let go of Neville's hand who was already looking panicked.

"Veronica it's not what it looks like" Amira began walking towards her.

"You're so selfish" Veronica said before walking out of the classroom.

"Shit, Neville stay here" Amira said filling her friend out of the door.

"No Amira you can't just be happy with whatever is going on with you and Fred, you had to have Neville as well" Veronica was now walking out raising her voice as she was going.

"No Veronica let me explain-"

"You let me explain" Veronica turned around "Neville can have you honestly I'm done, I am done always getting second best in any situation" Veronica was now running her hand through her hair.

"Veronica I'm sorry but it wasn't-" Amira got interrupted.

"No stop talking and listen for once Amira, Neville is the only good thing going for me apart from you guys. I barely have a relationship with my own dad because he's been in Azkaban all these years and it's hard to build one up now he's out and with Harry a lot, I have to put on a brave face everyday and the worst part is I just want to be told everything is going to be okay" She said with a pained voice and tears forming in her eyes.

"But everything will be okay" A voice said from afar. It was Neville, he was in the doorframe of herbology holding a bunch of lavender flowers. Veronica's favourite, as her mum was called Lavender.

"Listen to Amira. Veronica please" Neville said with big pleading eyes. Veronica rolled her eyes and looked at Amira.

"I got to the lesson early because I needed to get something for George and Fred's plan when Neville was there as well and he asked me a way to ask you to the ball. I obviously was going to help him with the way you too are so goofy for one another and told him how to and then he practiced how he would ask you, that was when you walked in" Amira huffed after explaining.

"Wait Neville wanted to ask me to the ball?" Veronica looked shocked.

"Omg you can't be serious, of course he was going to" Amira shook her head smiling at her friend.

"But I was on my way to ask him, hence this cupcake!" Veronica lifted the cupcake to Amira's face to show her.

"Go and talk to him" Amira pointed over to Neville who was still standing in the door holding the flowers.

Veronica walked over to Neville nervous. She's never nervous. That's how she knows he's important to her, she would do anything for him.

Neville stuck out his hand with the flowers in "Uh...Veronica B-Black-" he was stuttering getting interrupted.

"Neville will you go the Yule ball with me" Veronica smiled holding out the cupcake she had gotten for him.

"Wait you-you want to go with me?!" Neville acted completely clueless and shocked with what Veronica had just said.

"Of course Neville" She smiled at him and then walking into herbology. Neville looked so relived and relaxed after he had know she wanted to go with him.

They both sat down in their seats helping Amira figure out what she needed for the boys plan and Veronica kept glancing and smiling at Neville. He knew so much about this subject it made her heart skip beats.

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