The prank.

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Amira was confused at why Fred was at the Slytherin dorms, he's said a few times that most of them are mean and arrogant. So who was he there for?

He was looking around and looked like he didn't want to be seen.

"Hey what are you doing" Amira said confused getting interrupted and pinned up against the wall with Fred's hand over her mouth.

"Shhhh Filch walked past not even two minutes ago, do you want another detention" He whispered looking down at her.

Amira shook her head looking up at him and Fred slowly removed his hand. They were very close to one another, Fred still had her against the wall. Both forgetting their surroundings he inched closer so her face leaning in.

"I want to show you something!" He smiled holding out his hand.

"Okay" She said looking confused.

She took his hand and he lead her down the halls, they ran hand in hand until they heard a noise and Fred pulled Amira and turned the corner.

"So we are actually doing this?" A soft voice said.

"We need to teach them a lesson. All of them" A deeper voice replied.

Fred peered his head over to see who it was. He looked back down at Amira and said "Its fucking Theo and Ashlin" he whispered.

"So tomorrow, great hall?" Theo said.

"I will be there, oh and when is the tail going to wear off it looks gross" She replied.

Amira's jaw dropped and Fred smirked, he was probably thinking of a million ways to get their little plan to backfire.

"Listen princ- Amira I need you to get all of your friends together and sit as close as possible to the doors at lunch tomorrow, George and I have something planned for them" He quickly said.

"Just make sure my friends and I can get in on the fun too" She replied.

"Of course" He smirked.

Fred then took Amira's hand a walked fast in the other direction, he kept looking back at her smiling. They were climbing stairs and everything just to get to where he wanted to take her.

"We are here!" He said showing her the astronomy tower, he had used the same enchantment they use in the great hall to make it look like the sky is indoors.

The roof to the tower looked like it was filled with real stars, Amira looked at Fred amazed. He looked back at her smiling.

"You remembered!" She said shocked.

"Of course, you said you couldn't do this charm and i thought to learn it and show you how to" He said biting his lip.

"It''s amazing" She gasped.

"Want to learn how to do it?" He asked.

"Yeah!" She beamed.

"Okay so for this you need to motion a swish right to left" Fred was saying demonstrating with his wand.

Amira couldn't stop watching Fred teach her this charm, she felt warm and content inside.

After about an hour Amira finally got the charm and it was the best feeling ever. Fred hugged Amira and spun her around.

"I knew you could do it!" He cheered.

"Thank you Fred, it means a lot"

"Oh there it is, calling me Fred again" He smirked.

"Okay that's the last time I promise"  She chuckled.

On there way walking back they nearly got caught by Filch around four times. Fred is really good at sneaking out Amira thought, he knows every hidden gap and turn even in the dark.

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