The Kiss.

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"Shit" Amira said standing up and looking around for the tent that the contestants would be.

Camila and Kelaiah stood up too after seeing the dragons "I need to tell Louix" Amira said pushing past the crowds of people when she got grabbed by the arm.

"Hey are you okay?" Fred said whilst George was standing there confused. 

"I need to get to my brother but people keep pushing" She huffed.

Camila and Kelaiah caught up to her "Sorry lover boy Amira is busy." Camila said grabbing her and pushing towards the tent.

Once they had got there Amira walked in and ran towards Louix and that's when she saw Hermione with Harry wrapped in his arms. A camera flashed and Rita walked in going straight to Harry and Hermione. She immediately turned to Camila whose jaw was clenched who walked over to Louix and Amira.

"There's dragons!" She hissed.

"Oh this is weird Weasley told me" He replied smiling and pointing over to Harry.

"You knew?!" She gasped whilst shoving him.

"Yeah now stop panicking you little idiot" He chuckled leaning his arm on Amira's head and looking at Camila "What's gotten you angry?" He smirked.

"Nothing" She said crossing her arms and looking to the ground.

"Don't let glasses over there bother you, Hermione is just a friend" He winked.

As they were talking Kelaiah was hitting Cedric with a pillow she took from one of the medic beds "You blithering git, you can't fight fucking dragons!" she shouted.

"Relax I am going to be okay!" He caught the pillow and smiled and slowly leaning in and kissed her. Of course Rita couldn't resist and instantly got her camera man to take pictures but it looked like they didn't care as they were both in each other's arms.

"Well that's long overdue" Chuckled Louix.

As Dumbledore and the others walked in and called the contestants over Amira hugged Louix.

"I swear to god you be careful or I will kill you myself" She said in his shoulder.

"Of course I will not stop going on" He shook his head.

Amira, Camila and Kelaiah walked out and went back over to their friends waiting for it to start.

As the first contestant came out, Cedric everyone cheered and was eager to watch what this stage was about to bring. Cedric was brave and handled the challenge well, and succeeded pretty quickly.

Once it had got to Louix's turn Amira held her breath and had her hands clenched in fists. All of her friends were tense as they knew that Amira's uncle was the one who died tragically during the tournament years back.

As he walked out Amira felt her heart pace quicken and she felt sick, even more sick that her parents were supporting this and not against it like her. Her father whose brother died from this was supporting his own son doing the exact same thing.

Louix looked serious and prepared. The dragon he was facing was the Peruvian Vipertooth. Amira watched his every move and was almost shaking at the sight of the huge dragon over the rock he was about to climb, as she watched hand placed over shoulder. Fred.

"Hey are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost" Fred said worryingly.

"He's going to get killed not being careful like that!" Her lip quivered.

"Shit don't get upset, he's going to be fine. Look at Cedric and Fleur they were fine and I'm sure Krum and Harry will be fine too" He smiled. There it was that angelic smile.

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