Bad timing.

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Back to Amira's POV this is when she is in herbology.

Amira sat down next to Harry who looked angry and had clenched fists.

"Listen she has done nothing wrong for you to be angry with her" She rolled her eyes when she noticed he was staring at Camila.

"No she got mad that I was hugging my friend and if I had to choose between them I choose my friend" Harry muttered.

"Wow you're being unnecessarily rude" She huffed as she started writing down notes.

"She's teaching your brother how to fly and in their breaks they are messing around in the equipment sheds" He said through his teeth.

"I know" Amira said trying not to sound bothered even though she was confused about how she felt about the new relationship that was forming between her brother and best friend.

"And you aren't mad" He turned to her asking.

"It's none of your business" She snapped.

The rest of the lesson was quiet and awkward, Harry had always seemed friendly and nice but maybe the stress of the tournament was getting to him.

Everyone was packing up and Amira noticed Neville and Veronica leave all giggly and smily very quickly. Soon after followed by Camila who had a note in her hand which she put into the bin before actually leaving the class room.

Amira told her other friends that she would meet them at dinner. She stayed back to collect the rest of the ingredients for the poly juice potion that she was going to go and give the twins. As the went to leave the note that Camila previously threw in the bin was right there, Amira didn't want to invade on her friends privacy but she said something on the note that caught her eye. Amira leaned down and picked it up. It read.

We had a lot of fun.
Let's finish what we both started.
Come to my dorm room, no one else is here.

No. It cannot be what she thinks, there is no way her brother would do anything with her friends. Yes, he had always been a flirt to her friends but he's never pushed anything further or had anything serious before. Amira wanted to go in there and stop it, stop it all but she didn't want to ruin her friends fun.

Amira decided that she would simply go and drop off a delivery from their parents just to check what's going on between them, then she will know when to leave it.

As she was making her way up to the Ravenclaw common room. Why did it have to be so high up from the rest of the common rooms? She bumped into someone as she was too busy trying not to drop the supplies. It failed as the person who bumped into her knocked them everywhere anyway.

"Shit I'm sorry!" She tried to pick up the fallen objects.

"No worries princess" Fred knelt down helping her pick them up.

Amira's didn't even correct Fred this time as she was too focused on getting to that common room "Fred I'm really sorry but I have to go somewhere" she said pushing past him.

"I need to talk to you, I was coming to find you" Fred was now walking alongside her.

"Now is not a good time to discuss us" Amira said still making her way to the Ravenclaw common room.

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