Be careful.

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Amira couldn't believe what she was seeing, Draco walked into the shed looking around to see if anyone saw them. Amira was so fixated on him and Astoria that she wasn't playing attention to what Louix was doing.

"Amira how do I stop again!" Louix shouted speeding towards her.

Louix flew straight into Amira causing them to crash off their brooms and onto the sand.

"Oh fuck!" Louix said holding his arm.

Amira slowly sat up dizzily "You bloody idiot."

"Shit Amira are you okay?" he crawled over to her.

"I landed on my foot, but I'm fine" she said insisted.

"Let's get you to the hospital wing" Louix stood up helping Amira.

"Louix its okay I can get up myself" she said standing on her own then trembling.

"You clearly aren't you numpty" Louix said picking Amira up.

"I swear to god put me down" she muttered.

"Nope not going to happen I am your big brother and I am in charge" he chuckled.

Louix walked up to the shed carrying Amira and put her down to put the equipment away. When he walked in Astoria screamed "Hey get out Kingsley."

"That's not what you said last year, practically begging me to what was it again? Take your innocence" he chuckled.

"You dick!" Astoria said running out of the shed and seeing Amira outside.

"Stop getting your little boyfriend and brother to fight your friends battles for you" she said shoving past Amira strutting off.

Amira peered into the shed to talk to Draco when she saw he was being pushed up against the wall by Louix.

"What were you doing in here Malfoy?" He asked.

"Talking! We were just talking" He quickly said.

"Listen I don't like you being so close to my sisters friend because that means you're close to her and we both know who you and your family really are" He sneered in Draco's face.

"Keep out of my family's business and if I wanted to be close with your sister I would be fucking her right now but I'm not interested" He replied.

"Then what's the deal with Aila then" Louix questioned.

"You know Kingsley I don't have to answer you" Draco mutter pushing Louix off him and storming out.

"Draco" Amira said.

"Listen I don't have the time Amira, tell Aila what you want but I know nothing happened" Draco said walking off.

Louix came out of the shed and picked Amira back up.

"Do you think they were just talking" Louix asked.

"I'm not sure but he looked hurt" Amira said quietly.

"Yeah maybe it was because he got caught" He huffed.

"Or because he knows Astoria is basically in love with him so he was asking her to leave us alone as she would listen to him" She said defending Draco.

"You don't know what he's like Amira" He said as he shook his head.

"Yes I don't but Aila does and she's my best friend so I trust her judgement" She said crossing her arms.

"Don't be sulky or I swear to god I will drop you right now" He chuckled.

Louix walked into the hospital wing to show Madam Pomfrey Amira's hurt foot. When they got in there and sat on a bed Amira saw Theo at the end on a bed with a black eye and cut lip. She told Louix and they let out childish laughs.

It started with a quibblerWhere stories live. Discover now