chapter 1

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Thalia brushed her soft brown hair that ran down her back and studied herself in the large bathroom mirror. She was known as one of the prettiest girls in Hogwarts, with her piercing green eyes and freckles that dotted her cheeks like cinnamon. Her pink lips were full and her face was perfectly sculpted, with sharp cheekbones and a button nose.

She was gorgeous, pretty, stunning, showstopping, anyone could see that. She looked like anything that girls would envy. She was breathtaking, but she wasn't beautiful.

Thalia put her brush back in her cabinet and flattened her grey skirt and white shirt quickly. She fixed her dark green and silver striped tie, then checked herself again in the mirror before leaving the bathroom.

When she entered the dorm again, she saw a familiar face of a platinum blonde laying casually on her bed. In front of him was an open container of dark red gummies and he casually popped them into his mouth.

He wore the same uniform as her except for the fact that he had grey slacks instead of a grey skirt and he had black robes with a snake emblem in the right hand corner.

Thalia grabbed her robes from off the closet hook and threw the robes on carelessly, but making sure to fix her hair again as she walked over to the blonde boy. Her bright green eyes widened when she realized he was eating and she quickly grabbed the container from him.

"Hey!" Draco protested. "I wasn't done!"

"How many of those did you eat?!" Thalia asked frantically, looking at the open half-empty container gummies. She quickly capped the container and opened her nightstand drawer, dropping the container in.

"I don't know," he casually shrugged. "Like 10."


"12?" Draco guessed. He raised his eyebrows at Thalia's obvious worry and shot her a charming grin. "Don't worry, Lia. I have a fast metabolism."

"Draco, this is the muggle shit I was talking about!" Thalia clarified frantically. Draco still seemed to be confused and Thalia fixed her robes to calm herself down. "The edibles."

"What?!" Draco gawked, his worry growing more than hers. "Well I ate 12. Is that too much?"

Thalia looked him up and down with wide eyes, then grabbed her bag that was laying at the foot of her bed. "12 edibles... with your body weight? You're fine, you're fine," she replied nervously.

"THEN WHY ARE YOU MAKING THAT FACE, LIA??" Draco shouted frantically. He jumped off the bed quickly and checked himself in the full-sized mirror by the door to make sure he was still good-looking.

"You're fine," Thalia repeated. "Let's just go to class." She grabbed Draco's hand and began leading him out of her dorm and into the halls. As they were walking up the moving staircase, the edibles started to kick in and Draco tried to wriggle out of her grip.

"Come on, just another flight of stairs," the brunette coed gently. Draco remained silent and slowly blinked while he climbed up the stairs at an agonizingly slow pace. They finally entered the Transfiguration classroom and the entire class turned to face the duo at the sound of the door creaking.

"Mr. Malfoy, Miss Forthing," Professor McGonagall addressed sternly. "May I ask why you're late?" Professor McGonagall was an older teacher at Hogwarts, who's been there to teach Thalia and Draco's generation and the generation before that.

Draco turned to look at the sun rays beaming in through the window and started to drift in that direction but Thalia held his hand tightly to prevent him from moving. Draco blinked and looked down at what was holding him back.

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