chapter 19

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Harry felt himself being pulled into an empty classroom and Thalia kissed him deeply. Her hands cupped his face and traveled to the back of his neck to his raven curls. Harry felt familiar lips on his but he opened his eyes for a split second just to be sure. He giddily kissed her back, wrapping his arms around her waist. 

Thalia's head turned in the other direction and Harry removed his lips from hers. "So there's a-" Harry was immediately silenced by another kiss and his voice was muffled. He smiled into the kiss but pulled away once again. "There's a Hogsmeade trip-"

"Shut up," Thalia mumbled onto his lips. She closed the distance between them and basked in the small seconds of perfection until Harry moved back.

"Did you just tell me to shut up?" he asked. Thalia let out a frustrated groan and she leaned her body against Harry's.

"Harry, we don't have a lot of time because we have Potions in a minute and I really would like to snog you," the brunette summed up quickly. "So please, for the love of Merlin, stop talking."

"But I want to talk," Harry frowned. "I thought we agreed that we weren't just snogging partners anymore. This is a relationship, Thalia, and that means that we talk too. But I feel like all we do is snog."

"I don't want to talk," Thalia huffed. She kissed him again but Harry didn't respond, his lips staying perfectly still. It was almost like he was taunting her even though he was silent and he was right there. 

Thalia rolled her eyes before pulling away again and she let out another sigh. "Okay, Harry. What do you want to talk about?"

"There is a Hogsmeade trip tomorrow," Harry said with a grin. "And I wanted to know if we could go together. Like a date."

"I can't," she replied hurriedly. "Are we done talking now?"

"No, love, we're not. Why can't you go?" 

"I am going to Hogsmeade, just not with you," Thalia corrected. "I'm going with Draco. Come on, there's like thirty seconds left before Potions." She didn't even give Harry a chance to protest and she pressed her lips onto his again, molding together perfectly.

Harry pushed back and flipped her around so Thalia's back was pressed against the wall. He let his lips linger for a few more seconds, then he pulled away. "Do you want to go on the next Hogsmeade trip with me?"

That trip was two weeks away but he wanted to ask in advance so Thalia wouldn't make plans with someone else. "No, I don't. I'm sorry but no."

"Why not?" 

Thalia remained silent and tilted her head back until it was touching the wall. Harry eyed her skeptically and his lips parted. "You don't want to be seen with me, do you?" Harry asked. "That's why our relationship is private. Not because of the publicity but because you don't want to be seen with me."

"Harry, you're a very sweet guy and I love snogging you," Thalia started, "but my parents don't want me dating someone like you."

"Someone like me?" Harry asked. His head was tilted downwards so he could see Thalia and some of his hair fell in front of his face. Thalia reached up and tucked the stray locks behind his ear but Harry just reached up and grabbed Thalia's hand. 

He held both of her hands in his while his thumb subconsciously rubbed the back of Thalia's hand. "I've got money and your parents want someone rich," Harry said. "And- and I'm famous. I've got a good name."

"You're a Gryffindor," the brunette sighed, "and you're a half-blood. And you're not even in the Sacred Twenty-Eight. You're the definition of a blood traitor. It wouldn't be so bad if you weren't famous. My parents hate you. You killed the person they believed in."

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