chapter 15

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The Slytherin ventured into the dorm and Harry closed the door behind her and kicked a box of Exploding Snaps out of the way so Thalia wouldn't trip. Since none of the boys were expecting company, the dorm was as messy as ever.

The only thing that looked remotely neat was Neville's nicely made bed, with the blankets tucked in and the pillows fluffed and propped up nicely. "That one's my bed," Harry announced, pointing towards the bed next to Neville's.

It was cleaner than the others and Harry had made some horrible attempt to make his bed so the crumpled sheets were spread out a bit and the pillows were stacked on top of each other.

Thalia made her way over to Harry's bed and laid down in the center while Harry just sat on the edge, not wanting to overstep his boundaries. "Er, happy birthday," Harry said.

"Thanks," Thalia said. She sat upwards and scooted towards Harry, causing her skirt to fold a bit. Thalia gently cupped the side of Harry's face and kissed him. 

Harry immediately responded by kissing back and he shifted in his position so his body was completely facing her. He tried to refrain from touching her too much without her permission so he just pushed her with his lips.

Thalia fell back onto the bed and Harry hovered over her, leaning his right side on the bed so he didn't have to plank or put his full body weight on her. Thalia pulled away and her eyes pierced Harry's.

"Harry, you can touch me, y'know," Thalia stated, as if she was reading his mind. 

"Oh, I- I didn't know," Harry mumbled. He blushed and Thalia reached out and grabbed his hand. She put it on her bare thigh and Harry's face went from pink to scarlet.

"Don't be embarrassed, Harry," the brunette cooed. She softly combed her hands through Harry's hair until his face turned back to it's normal color. 

Thalia's hands stopped raking his hair and one of her hands went back to his hand that rested on her thigh. She guided it higher, to where the hem of her skirt was, and Harry blushed a bit again.

"Don't you think we're moving a bit fast, love?" Harry asked. They'd been snogging for a little more than a month and now they were moving onto this. Harry wasn't sure what would happen after that. He would happily shag Thalia but maybe in a year or so, not now. 

"We're not shagging," Thalia clarified. "You still need to get used to snogging me and making physical contact with me." 

Thalia kissed him again and Harry pushed back harshly this time, the rims of his glasses touching her a bit. The Slytherin bunched up her skirt even more and led Harry's hand higher.

His hand was burning hot from nervousness and it felt nice on Thalia's leg. Thalia kept bringing his hand closer to her heat and Harry sprang away completely when his thumb brushed against a thinner cloth.

"Um, I got you a birthday present," Harry said, trying to steer away from the topic of touching or snogging. "Just wanted to give it, in case I forget later."

"Oh, I don't need a gift," Thalia insisted as she propped herself upright. "Just spending the day with you is enough."

"As much as I love to hear that," Harry responded, making his way over to his drawers, "I still got you a gift." He grabbed a wrapped gift and held it up for her to see, then set it down in front of her.

"I'm serious. I don't need a gift," the brunette repeated more urgently this time. 

"Come on, do you doubt my gift giving skills or something? It's not a horrible gift, I swear," Harry promised with a smile. Thalia smiled back politely but didn't make any movement or any motivation to grab the brown package.

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