chapter 33

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Harry was staring at the page of an open book in his hands, facing the bookshelf he'd taken it from. Thalia quietly walked up behind him and covered his eyes with her hands. "Guess who," she said.

Harry smiled to himself as he closed the book, not bothering to mark the page. "I don't know," Harry lied. "Ginny?"

"You arse," Thalia scoffed playfully. Harry spun around and Thalia pulled the circular glasses off his face. The brunette put them on her eyes squinted at the prescription. "Merlin, you really are blind."

"Oh haha. Make fun of a blind man," Harry said, suppressing a laugh. He only saw a fuzzy image of Thalia with his glasses on and he smiled fondly, even though he couldn't see all her defined details. "Give em back, love."

"Hold on," Thalia giggled. She cupped his face slowly, so he could comprehend what was happening, and she kissed him. Their lips connected for a few seconds before Thalia pulled away and removed the glasses.

She put them back onto Harry's face and he grinned even wider when he saw her better. "Whatcha doin?" Thalia asked.

"Oh, I- um," Harry mumbled. He looked down and held up his book with a sheepish grin. "Been reading."

"Just standing around and reading?" she mocked cheekily. 

"Y-yeah," the messy-haired boy laughed. "Actually, I was trying to find out more about werewolves, for the essay. We already learned a bit about it in third year so I just thought, why not write about it?"

"Yeah, that makes sense. I'm writing about merpeople."

Harry nodded and put the book back into the slot where he'd pulled it out from a few minutes ago. "What's your schedule like for the rest of the day?"

"Well, right now is free period. Then, I've got Defense and Transfiguration," Thalia answered. "You?"

"Free period, Defense, and Potions," Harry winced. They weren't placed in the same Potions class this semester and a lot of their classes were changed around so they barely saw each other. "Wanna meet in my dorm after?"

"Can't," Thalia replied. "I've got, um, Inquisitorial Squad."

"Almost forgot you had that. I'm busy too anyways," Harry responded. "I've got, uh, the club that you're trying to catch."

"Right. Do you mind telling me where you guys practice? It would be easier for both of us-"

"Nice try. Wanna read? I'll let you pick."

Thalia nodded and skipped off. She scanned the aisles and picked out a muggle book. Thalia read the back and nodded in satisfaction. 

The brunette found Harry among the bookshelves and she dragged him down so they were both sitting on the floor with their backs to the shelves. "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe," Harry read aloud. "Thought you said you read this."

"Nope," Thalia shook her head. "Never read this. Why did you think that?"

"Because I got you this book for your birthday last year," Harry answered. Thalia's eyes widened and her lips made an 'o' shape but no sound came out. "Thalia, you told me you read this."

"I-I did," the brunette bluffed. "I just forgot what happened. I read it so long ago, it must've went right over my head."

"So what happens in the end?"

"In the end," Thalia repeated. "In the end, erm, all Pevensie siblings go home." She couldn't bring herself to meet Harry's eyes but after a few seconds of his glare on the side of her head, Thalia looked at him with a smile.

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