chapter 40

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Draco laid next to Thalia in her bed and they both silently stared at the ceiling. 

"I can't believe we're getting married," Draco finally said. "At least we're marrying each other instead of strangers."

Tonight, Thalia's and Draco's fathers announced that Draco and Thalia would be wed. But, due to Draco's persistent pleading, they would be wed after they finished their studies at Hogwarts, so they could focus on school and their futures.

"I can," Thalia breathed out. "Father hinted it to me on my birthday. I think that's when I started to realize."

"It makes sense," Draco shrugged. "When I was younger, before I met you, Mother would introduce me to a bunch of new friends, and they were all girls. She was just trying to find me an exceptional girl. And then you came along."

"I always thought we were meant to be friends," Thalia sighed. "Just friends."

"This is bullcrap," Draco huffed. "Us getting married, I mean." 

The platinum blonde reached into the pockets of his slacks and he revealed a small velvet box. "Mother told me to give this to you when the time's right. I just thought I'd get it over with."

Thalia took the box from his hands and opened it slowly. There was a diamond ring with the letter 'M' in the inside of it, symbolizing the Malfoy name. 

"I wanted to give it to Astoria," Draco said, "but I suppose not. I know I've got to marry someone in this society, so I'm glad that if it's not Astoria, it's you."

"Back at you, Dray," she sighed. Thalia took the ring out of the box and slipped it onto her ring finger. "Do you suppose, if we leave Hogwarts alive and well, that we'll be a happy couple? With kids and things?"

"Yeah, I think we will," he nodded. "According to scientists, best friends have a lower chance of divorce. Not that we'd be able to get one anyways. But at least we'll be happier than other couples."

Thalia nodded understandingly. "Have you seen Theo and Blaise this summer?"

"I saw Theo a few times," Draco admitted. "He's going insane, I think. Constantly studying the Dark Arts and talking about the future- our future, when we destroy all of the blood traitors and mudbloods. I do agree, but there's just a certain extent. It's like he's cracking."

"Like Bellatrix?"

"Yeah, like Bellatrix," he agreed sadly. "He's losing it."

"And Blaise?" Thalia asked.

"Saw him once. I'm sure he's fine though," Draco huffed. "Blaise is stronger than the rest of us. He's only focusing on Legilimens. The only way he'd crack is if he'd seen something he didn't want to, and even then, he'd be more put together than Theo. Have you been practicing your things?"

"Yes, Father's told me to start doing fire related things though," Thalia replied. "Merlin knows why I have to, but it's scary. I've been good at starting them, using targets and stuff. Burned down an entire table once."

There was a short knock on the door and Draco let out a sigh.

"That's my cue," he announced. "Wish me luck. This is the last time you're going to see my skin this flawless." Draco lifted up the sleeve of his left arm and showed off his bare, untouched skin. 

"Good luck," Thalia laughed. "Don't look like a bitch in front of the Dark Lord."

"I'll try my best," Draco responded as he walked to the door. He shot Thalia a nervous smile before disappearing out of the room.

Once he was gone, as if it was one cue, snowy white owl flew into the open window of Thalia's room and Thalia let out a distinct sigh as a letter was dropped onto her bed. The owl flew back out and Thalia reached for the letter.

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