chapter 20

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Harry used his free hand to rake his fingers through his hair as he led Thalia out of the schoolyard. He wanted to stay strong and have her meet him half-way but he was giving in and he hated it. 

Harry pushed Thalia up against an abandoned corridor, not really caring if anyone was going to walk by soon. He swooped down and kissed her passionately, his hands pressing onto the wall so Thalia was trapped. 

Thalia's arms wrapped around Harry's neck and she pulled him closer. Her body moved up and down ever so slightly, creating friction against their shirts. Thalia lifted one of her legs and Harry's hand massaged her butt under her skirt while his arm supported Thalia's leg that was draped around him.

"Wait," Harry managed to say while catching his breath. They were both breathing hard and their faces were both flushed as they stared at one another. "I want rules."

"Excuse me?"

"You got to make the rules and restrictions and now I want my own set of rules. Not as many as you of course, but I want to have some rights," Harry explained, still trying to breath normally again. "I feel like your slave."

"Fine," Thalia agreed. "Let's talk somewhere else." Harry left the corridor and Thalia followed casually, a few feet away. They reached the seventh floor and Harry announced the password, then led Thalia to his dorm.

None of his roommates were there and Thalia and Harry sat on his bed. "I would like to talk," Harry demanded. "Not all the time but for at least two minutes every week."

Thalia nodded. That wasn't a lot of time and two minutes wouldn't be any harm. It would be simple pleasantries like 'how are you' and 'how was your day', nothing too big. "And I want you to alternate hands when you slap me," Harry suggested. "Because my left side is getting really sore so we should just take a break from that side for now."

It was odd that Harry didn't demand no assault at all but maybe he was kinky, but Thalia wouldn't pry. "Okay," Thalia agreed. "You get one more thing."

"Only one left?" Harry gaped. Thalia shot him a pointed look and Harry huffed. "Fine, I gotta think of one more rule that I really want." Harry looked at the floor for a few moments, not moving at all, and Thalia almost thought he passed out. 

His head shot up and he smiled widely. "I want a 10 minute cuddling session once a week."

"You want to what??" Thalia sputtered. 

"You heard me. I want a cuddling session," Harry repeated. "And if you don't agree, you can go find someone else to snog- scratch that. You would find someone better than me. Just- I want a cuddling session, please."

"10 minute cuddling session once a month," the brunette offered.

"Three times a month."

"Best I'll give you is two times a month."

"I can work with that," Harry said with an adorable grin. "But however much we talk during those cuddling sessions don't count for our two minute conversations."

Thalia giggled and pecked his lips. "You are so lucky you're cute," she mumbled. Harry let out a low chuckle and kissed her again. With their lips still on each other's, Harry lowered Thalia onto the bed so she was laying on her back comfortably.

Thalia's legs wrapped around Harry's torso and Harry's hands ventured across the small dips on her body, his hands running over her bare thigh and up her skirt. Thalia could smell Harry's broomstick polish scent with every inhale and she sighed into his mouth in content.

Harry quickly pulled away to unbutton his shirt and Thalia undid hers easily. She shrugged off her dress shirt and helped Harry unbutton faster, causing both of them to laugh a bit. 

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