chapter 31

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TW: more abuse 

"Hope you're happy with yourself," Ron scoffed as he sat next to Thalia in in the greenhouse. Barely any Slytherins took Herbology because they claimed it was a waste of time so Thalia was left sitting by herself. The last person to come into the classroom always had to sit with her, and the unlucky person just happened to be Ronald Weasley.

"What did I do this time that's so awful, Weasley?" Thalia asked. 

"Harry came into our dorm yesterday, rambling about something," Ron explained sourly, "claimed he wanted to prove something. Next morning, he's not in his bed and Professor McGonagall's informed us that he's in the bloody Hospital Wing."

"I didn't hex him, if that's what you're trying to imply," the brunette shot back. "He was perfectly fine when I left him."

"Course you didn't," Ron shrugged. "It was Malfoy."

"Draco was with me the whole morning," Thalia said.

"Bet he wasn't last night," the redhead replied. "Harry says he was trying to prove something to you, so technically, this is your fault. He's got 8 broken bones-"

"You've got to be kidding me," Thalia sighed, not letting Ron finish his frustrated rambling. She grabbed her bag and left the greenhouse before class could actually start.

The brunette jogged back to the school grounds and made her way up the moving stairs, to the Hospital Wing. When she arrived, there were two beds with people laying in them. 

Thalia walked over to Harry's bed and the bespectacled boy perked up at her appearance, sitting up. "What is wrong with you?" she hissed angrily, standing at his bedside. Thalia defensively crossed her arms in front of her, gritting her teeth.

"I'm fine, thanks for asking. But it took me a while to realize that you're more of an 'actions, not words' type of person," Harry explained easily. "So, I showed you that I was true to my words, was I not?"

"You broke 8 bones... for me?"

"Yes, I thought I made that pretty clear." 

Thalia's dark eyebrows furrowed and her pink lips pursed together in deep thought. Harry awkwardly shifted in his bed and fumbled around with his fingers while waiting for Thalia to say something.

The Slytherin moved closer and used her pointer finger to tilt Harry's chin upwards until their eyes met. 

"You're insane, Potter."

"I'm insanely in love with you," Harry replied. 

Thalia's lips tugged up to form a small smile. She leaned in slowly, so Harry could have some kind of warning, and pressed her lips onto his.

Harry immediately responded and pushed back roughly as his and Thalia's lips moved in a perfect sync. He inhaled through his nose and smiled into the kiss as Thalia moved onto the bed and straddled him with her legs.

Thalia liked the way that Harry's lips fit and molded into hers perfectly. She liked the way that the cool metal of Harry's glasses pressed against her skin when he pushed back enough. She liked the way that Harry always smelled like broomstick polish even though he'd already been kicked off the team and had his broom confiscated. She wouldn't say she loved all of these things, she just really really really liked them.

Harry missed Thalia's touch for so long and he found himself frowning when Thalia's lips left his. A familiar stinging sensation came with a singular harsh sound and Harry's face turned to the side as he winced. 

"Don't get yourself hurt for me again," Thalia scowled. "Unless it's me hurting you, then it's not acceptable. Understand?"

"Merlin, I love it when you do that," Harry confessed dreamily. He received another hard slap across the face and the stinging pain came back.

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