chapter 2

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Hermione Granger, a 4th year Gryffindor, sat on one of the long benches near a huge goblet with blue-ish purple fire. She had an open book on her lap and watched as a young man in a thick coat walked towards the goblet.

"Anyone who enters is stupid," she commented roughly. "Putting themselves in danger for 1000 Galleons and eternal glory? It's idiotic."

"What's wrong with it, Mione?" Ronald Weasley asked. He sat with Harry a row behind Hermione and the entire trio, along with the rest of the students, watched in awe as Viktor Krum walked past the age line.

Viktor Krum was famous, he was the best Seeker in the world. All eyes watched the man as he dropped a single slip of parchment into the goblet and the fire gave a little puff. The hall burst into cheers and Viktor turned to his left to see a pretty girl reading a book.

Hermione immediately looked back onto the inked pages and flipped one of them while muttering, "they're all idiots."

Viktor Krum left the Great Hall and shortly after, a 6th year Hufflepuff entered. The older boy had just turned 17, which meant he was old enough to enter the tournament.

He was surrounded by his merry band of friends and they pushed him towards the age line. Cedric Diggory, Hogwarts' Golden Boy, hesitantly glanced at the pearly white line, then took a few steps until he was fully inside the circle.

The students erupted into cheers once again and he rummaged around his pockets for a small piece of parchment, which he'd written down earlier. The Hufflepuff successfully pulled the slip out and looked at the large blue fire. "Go on, Ced," his best friend, Thomas, urged.

Cedric sent his friends a dazzling grin but his nerves didn't leave him as he reached up and dropped the paper into the fire. The blue flames grew and a nice puff of smoke emerged, causing everyone to clap and cheer.

Cedric went back to where his friends were and was greeted with smiles and claps on the back as the entire group strutted out of the hall. 

"Do you think Thalia's going to enter?" Harry asked absent-mindedly. He longingly stared at the gorgeous brunette on the other side of the hall. Draco Malfoy had his arm wrapped around Thalia's shoulders and her and Theodore Nott were laughing about something Harry couldn't hear.

"She couldn't get past the age line," Ron shrugged, "so she couldn't enter if she wanted to."

Hermione angrily whipped her head around, causing her frizzy hair to follow her. She glared at both boys. 

"I don't understand how you can be so infatuated with her, Harry. She's a bully and her personality is arse. The only thing that could possibly make up for the way she acts is the way she looks and she's not even that good-looking," Hermione scoffed. "Besides, she would never date you, with her status. Her family likes purebloods, purebloods like Malfoy or Nott."

"She's not good-looking?" Ron gasped. "I mean, I know she's a bully, but she is a sight."

Red flushed Hermione's pale face, a mix of anger and jealousy. "Thalia's beautiful," Harry added dreamily.

Hermione let out a huff at the starstuck boy and slammed her book shut, taking Harry's attention off of Thalia Forthing. "You ought to know the difference in wordings because Thalia Forthing is not beautiful. Harry, she's a pretty girl but she's not beautiful," Hermione said.

Harry frowned. He knew the difference between pretty and beautiful. A pretty girl is a girl who's good on the outside and a beautiful girl is someone good inside and out. And he thought Thalia Forthing was the most beautiful girl he'd ever met.

"Okay" was all Harry could say. He watched in a daze as the famous Weasley twins barged into the hall with flasks in their hands.


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