chapter 45

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Thalia kept an eye out for Harry all morning, and when he finally entered the Great Hall, she wanted to spring towards him. She wanted to ask him where he'd been all night and why she couldn't find him, but she didn't move. Thalia could see Theo watching her.

"I, for one, am excited for Christmas," Theo said suddenly.

"Christmas is very far away," Thalia opposed. Her hands dropped from the table and fell onto her lap. Her ring felt like it was burning on her skin. "I mean, we've only started the school year."

"It's something to look forward to," he opposed with a shrug. "The Dark Lord."

"Does anyone know who's house he's going to be at?" Thalia asked, knowing where Theo was trying to lead the conversation. "Hopefully, not mine. I don't want his decaying odor replacing the smell of gingerbread cookies. I've had his arse for a good chunk of the summer anyways."

"Probably mine," Draco sighed, resting his hand on his chin. "He does have that decaying smell. M'glad he doesn't get too close to me."

"Only some of you are so lucky," Blaise muttered quietly. "Others have to endure it all the time."

"How can you guys complain about being in the presence of a mastermind?" Theo questioned. "He's a genius."

"Father told me he's a half-blood," Thalia whispered.

"What?" Theo sqwuaked.

"Yeah," she said, looking at her plate. "We're like the Nazis of the wizarding world apparently."

"What?" Theo echoed.

"Muggle reference," Thalia explained. "Hitler only wanted the people with blue eyes and blonde hair, and he didn't even look like that. It's exactly what the Dark Lord is doing."

"There's no way he's a half-blood," Theo scowled. "Don't undermine him, Lia."

"Wasn't trying to," she shrugged. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go bully Potter. Individually."

"Yes, that is a good idea," Draco nodded before Theo could protest. Theo frowned at the both of them. "It's one on one. Fair fight."

"Exactly," Thalia agreed. She stood up and walked over to the Gryffindor table. Harry seemed to sense her presence and he smiled at her. "Don't smile. Look solemn." 

Harry's smile fell and his lips formed a tight line. "Good," Thalia complimented with a straight face. "Where did you go last night?"

"I took a bubble bath in the Prefects bathroom," he bragged, a smile growing on his face. "And then I fell asleep there so my fingers are still kind of pruney." Harry looked at his hands and rubbed the pads of his fingers together. "See? They're all wrinkly!"

"Don't smile." 

Harry's smile vanished again and he frowned a little. "You're acting strange," he noted.

"I need to explain some things to you. Privately," she clarified. "And it'll all make sense, but for now, just look a little bit more angry at me. Like you want to hex me." Harry narrowed his eyes at her.

"How's this?" he asked, clenching his jaw. "Am I doing it right?"

"Yeah, good, good," Thalia said, her eyebrows furrowing. "Meet me at the girls bathroom down the hall in five minutes. Knock twice."

"Okay," Harry said. "Love you."

"Love you too." Thalia almost leaned down to kiss him, but she caught herself and looked over at the Slytherin table. Theo was watching her. Thalia fumed and walked out of the hall, leaving Harry more confused than ever.


Thalia had locked the door and now, she was leaning against a tiled wall. There were two consecutive knocks on the door and Thalia turned the lock. She opened the door and Harry entered, then quickly closed it behind him.

"Do you want to tell me about it now?" Harry asked. He leaned against the wall next to her and faced forward.

"You know how I wrote you that letter over the summer?" Thalia questioned. She looked over at Harry, who still didn't meet her gaze. He nodded. "I meant to break up with you."

"You actually dumped me?" he gaped, finally looking at her. His face was filled with disbelief mixed with hurt.

"Yeah, but only because my father wanted me to," she added quickly, her heart stopping for a second. Thalia hated to see Harry look so sad and betrayed. "If it was my choice, I would've never sent that letter."

"But you still did it."

"But then, when I saw you at Kings Cross, I knew I still wanted to date you, so I just told you it was a joke," Thalia said. "And my father isn't here to tell me I can't date you, so I thought it would be fine."

"Okay," Harry said slowly. "So what's going on now?"

"I haven't told the rest of them about me getting back together with you," she winced. "Only Draco knows. And I think, if Theo finds out, he might tell my father. And then my father'll totally blow up in my face."

"How is that my problem?"

"Don't be a dick, Harry," Thalia scowled. "Sorry for not telling you, but now isn't really the best time to be letting my father know that I'm dating the person who's going to be killed by the Dark Lord personally."

"Well, we don't know that I'll be killed," Harry opposed. "I have a pretty good chance."

"Please. You know two spells," she scoffed.

"So what? You're praying on my death then?" 

"I don't want you to die," Thalia shrugged stiffly, "but I just think it's bound to happen soon, so I'd rather be on my father's good side when that happens." If Harry died, and she was a blood traitor, the Death Eaters wouldn't want her and neither would the others because who wants Thalia Forthing these days? She was just trying to make sure that she was still alive.


"What do you mean so?" 

"Is there an estimation on my death? If so, please inform me so I can prepare myself," he said.

"There's no estimation, but they'll probably start hunting you when you step out of Hogwarts," Thalia replied. Harry nodded. "I can't tell anyone about us, okay? So, do you mind.. I don't know, pretending we're not dating?"


"I mean, like, we can have a private relationship. That's fun," Thalia offered. Harry frowned again and he faced forward again, his lips quirking to the side. "I want to be with you, Harry," she insisted. "Really, I do. But I can't get myself killed because of that. I still have to think about my life and my future and my inheritance-"

"No, I get it," Harry shrugged. "I would probably think about my life too, since according to you, I am going to die very soon."

"I didn't mean it like that. I really want you to live, and if you do live, we can start thinking about a future together," Thalia suggested. "Hopefully, my father dies soon and we can use the inheritance money to buy a house."

"I like thinking about the future," he sighed. Harry sunk lower until he was sitting on the floor of the bathroom. Thalia sat beside him. "Tell me about it."

"Remember when we talked about it before school ended last year?" she asked calmly. "Marble counters."

"Sage green walls," he hummed.

"Only for the living room and the kitchen though," Thalia nodded. "And the bedroom would be a different color. The doors should be mahogany, obviously."

"Oak," Harry repeated. "How big would our house be?"

"Well, two or three floors because we would probably host the parties," she answered, "and we'd host the best parties, by the way. And then we'd also get that muggle animal that everyone likes, and that thing needs space to run around."

"A dog?"

"Yeah, a dog. I've always wanted one of those."

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