chapter 14

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"You are very happy," Draco noted suspiciously. Blaise had noted as well, but much earlier than Draco. He just chose not to say anything because he wanted Thalia to be happy without someone pointing it out, then she would feel like she was being watched.

"There are many things to be happy about," Thalia chirped. "Transfiguration exam? Aced it. And at breakfast, we had apples that were actually crisp, which is surprising because they're only crisp in September. And my birthday comes up in a few days."

She knew that none of them were the reasons for why she was truly happy, but there were so many things that made her happy now. It was like being in Harry's presence had infected her and she started to look at things from his point of view, where the glass is half-full.

"Your birthday," Theo grinned. "That's why you're so happy."

"The big fifteen," Thalia remarked. She drummed her nails along her thighs as she smiled to herself, in her own world. "One five, fifteen, one to the five, five plus ten, the ten plus five-"

"Shut it," Draco grumbled. Unlike Thalia, he had not aced his Transfiguration exam and his father would be sure to send him a letter to lecture him about it, which Draco was dreading. "Do you want a party for your birthday?"

"Nope," the brunette responded confidently. "I want a day to spend with you guys because I value your friendship and love."

"What is this? My Little Pony?" Theo scoffed. "We spend every day together, let's throw a party."

"Yeah, let's have a thrasher," Draco agreed. "I wanna get drunk!" His mood started to lift as he imagined getting absolutely intoxicated and barfing everywhere. 

"You guys want to have a thrasher?" Thalia asked. Draco nodded giddily and Thalia put a smile on her face, choosing to value others over herself. "Okay, if you guys want to."

"Yes," Theo hurrahed. Blaise frowned a bit but he didn't dare to say anything, just staring at his expensive black shoes. 


Thalia's birthday rolled around the corner quicker than usual and she found herself doing absolutely nothing. Her friends would be throwing her a party after the sun set but until then, she had nothing to do.

Thalia exited her bed lazily and changed into a nice sweater and mini skirt, then rubbed her eyes as she walked down the staircase. Blaise was patiently waiting on the forest green couch and he motioned her to come over with his two fingers.

The brunette trudged over and flopped onto the couch right next to him. Blaise shifted away so there was no chance of them touching. (a/n: for anyone who doesn't know, blaise was r*ped when he was 12, so that's why he doesn't do a lot of physical touch)

"Happy birthday," Blaise said. He was a man of few words when he was in public but behind doors, all he did was yap. Not that Thalia was complaining, she loved his yapping. "I got you a gift."

"Thanks," Thalia said as he held out a small box to her. "You didn't have to."

"I don't think Theo or Draco are getting you anything so I thought I'd give something on their behalf as well," Blaise explained. "They're... underdeveloped. I don't think they realize that you didn't want a party but it's just the way they were built."

"It's fine," Thalia assured. "They've always been like that, but thank you for caring."

"We can spend the day together if you'd like," Blaise offered. He knew that Thalia wanted to spend the day with the entire group but they were much to ignorant to realize, so he would have to do for now.

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