chapter 13

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TW: more assault

"What did I tell you about talking to Weaslette?" Thalia's voice was quiet but it was malicious and it was scary. Harry loved it.

They were in the restricted section in the library once again but they weren't snogging. Harry was leaning against the bookshelves and Thalia had one of her hands tilting Harry's chin to face her. Her other hand was pressed on the bookshelf, right next to him, leaving him so space for escape.

"Y-you told me not to snog her," Harry swallowed. He might've loved being scared of her but he was still scared of her. He didn't know what she was capable of but he still wanted to find out.

Thalia smiled and cocked her head to the side questionably while her thumb nail was digging into the skin below Harry's lips, right above his chin. 

"I don't want her touching you in the slightest," Thalia demanded. She grimaced, remembering Ginny Weasley reaching out and touching Harry's arm while she flirted in the Great Hall. Thalia was forced to watch from the other side of the hall and she didn't like it at all.

"I don't want you talking to her unless you absolutely have to," the brunette ordered. Harry winced as her nail dug deeper into his skin as Thalia skeptically looked over him. "Don't let any girl touch you besides me. Are we clear?"

Harry nodded slowly, taking his time. "Crystal."

Thalia's gaze softened a bit and Harry felt tingles along his skin as Thalia's hand went everywhere. "I don't want her touching here," Thalia said while her fingers danced along his jawline. 

Her light fingers found themselves in Harry's hair and he groaned as she tugged on his messy curls without warning. "And I definitely don't want her touching here," she said lustfully. Thalia's finger traced his hairline and swooped to his pink lips. "And she should never touch here, ever again."

"Let's go over it," Thalia offered. She didn't want even the slightest chance of anyone else laying a finger on him. She didn't like it when other people touched her property. "Is any girl allowed to touch here?"

Thalia's middle finger traced along his jawline ever so delicately and Harry shivered under her touch. "N-no," he answered.

"Good," she commented. "What about here?" Her fingers twisted around one of Harry's soft locks and he smiled a bit. He didn't care how Thalia was making him submissive because being submissive was better than being without her.


"What about here?" Thalia asked. The pad of her thumb traced over his top lip and Harry shook his head no. "What if Granger wanted to hold your hand?" Thalia questioned while intertwining their fingers. "You'd let her?"

"Yes?" Harry guessed. Hermione was his best friend and she wasn't big on physical contact but Harry thought it would be okay.

Thalia scowled at the thought of Hermione holding his hand and jealousy overcame her as she smacked Harry's face harshly. He winced again but he didn't make any attempt to cup his face as Thalia rubbed it soothingly, making it all better.

"No girl gets to touch you besides me, Harry," Thalia clarified sternly. Her voice became lower as she leaned closer and Harry could feel her lips grazing his as she spoke. "I'm only being harsh because I want you to understand. Do you understand?"

"Yeah," Harry replied. 

"Full sentences, Harry," she demanded. "Do you understand?"

Harry gulped and he wanted to look away from her piercing eyes but they were so enchanting, putting him in some kind of trance. "Yes, I understand."

"Good. Now, who are you allowed to touch?"

Harry thought for a moment. He didn't want to say the wrong answer because Thalia would smack him again but he almost wanted to say the wrong answer because he liked being slapped by her. Maybe that made him fucked up but he didn't care.

"Only you," he answered.

"And who's allowed to touch you?"

"Only you," he repeated.

"Good," Thalia said. She continued to eye him and then proceeded to slap him just to slap him. Harry's head turned to the side and his lips brushed past Thalia's for a millisecond.

"Fuck me," he inhaled sharply. It slipped out of his mouth but that didn't mean that he didn't mean it. Thalia could've shagged him right there and then, while anyone could walk into the restricted section of the library, and he would've accepted the consequences.

He knew he was only 14 and he shouldn't be thinking about shagging but Thalia had his mind running around everywhere. He visually undressed her when he stared at her in class and he daydreamed about doing unspeakable things to her.

"You don't get to make demands," the brunette spat. Thalia slapped him again more harshly and Harry growled. He grabbed her by the waist and flipped them over so Thalia's back was to the bookcase.

Thalia smiled to herself as Harry forced his lips onto hers. Their lips moved together in sync and Harry groaned into her mouth when Thalia pulled on the roots of his hair. 


Thalia watched Draco doodle on his parchment during Transfiguration. He was drawing Harry being struck by lightning and Thalia just rolled her eyes. She didn't jump into the tormenting like she used to but she didn't try to stop it because Draco would surely become suspicious.

Draco neatly folded his doodle and Thalia pretended to listen to what Professor McGonagall was saying when Thalia clearly didn't understand any of it. 

Draco leaned forward and tapped Harry's shoulder. The bespectacled boy turned around rather quickly, hoping that it was Thalia who'd tried to get his attention, but his face fell when he saw Draco.

The platinum blonde handed Harry the parchment. Harry grabbed it skeptically and looked over at Thalia for assurance, but the girl only looked at her own parchment. 

Harry faced forward and opened the drawing around the same time that McGonagall came over. "Passing notes in class, are we?" McGonagall asked. She assumed that Thalia was the one who gave Harry the note and she held her hand out expectantly before Harry could even see what was on the paper.

Harry gave her the paper and McGonagall unfolded it. Her stern gaze fell upon Thalia, who was staring right back at her nervously. 

"Miss Forthing, we do not wish death upon students, even if it is only a drawing," McGonagall snapped. "30 points from Slytherin and detention. I'll be talking about this to your Head of the House as well."

Thalia knew that Draco would be getting a Howler from his father if he received another detention and she wasn't about to rat her best friend out, so Thalia only nodded her head. "I'm sorry, Professor," Thalia said. "I won't do it again."

Draco snickered with his hand over his mouth and Thalia stepped on his shoe to shut him up. McGonagall nodded and re-folded the paper. She put it on her desk and continued teaching.

"Can't believe you got Thalia in detention, Potter," Draco sneered.

"Me?!" Harry guffawed as he spun around to glare at Draco. "If you hadn't drawn whatever the hell you drew, then Thalia would be fine! You're so immature, Malfoy!"

"Least I've got parents," Draco scoffed.

"Oh yeah, leave it up to you to bully the kid with no parents," Harry shot back. "Real mature."

"I don't bully you because you have no parents. I bully you because you're a loser and a weirdo and so are your friends," the platinum blonde snarled. Draco had a pure hatred for Harry and he even list the amount of reasons for why he hated him. He just wanted Harry to go die in a hole.

"That's enough, Dray," Thalia hissed. Draco raised his eyebrows at Thalia but she tried to ignore him and doodle a butterfly on her parchment.

"You can't seriously be defending him," Draco gaped. "That's No Parents Potter!"

"I said that's enough," Thalia seethed. Her best friend would've said something else but luckily, he just slumped in his chair. Harry hoped to catch Thalia's eye but the girl kept her head down. 

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