chapter 43

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Thalia kissed and pecked at Harry's neck, her hands roaming his dark hair. Harry threw his head back, sinking deeper into his pillow, and he held Thalia by the back of her head. 

"You know... I feel... really good... about this year," Harry managed to say through his heavy breaths. "I feel like... like something spectacular... is going to happen... you know?" 

Thalia and Harry had skipped the welcome-back feast, planning to grab food later. They decided to spend their time in Harry's dorm- doing other things. 

"Mhmm," Thalia hummed onto his warm skin. "Did you do something to your hair over the summer? You look really hot." Harry airily laughed as he stroked Thalia's hair. 

"Not that I know of," he said calmly. "I dunno, I think I look the same."

Thalia pulled away and narrowed her eyes. "Your hair definitely looks better," she commented. The brunette brought her hand to Harry's face and gently traced over Harry's jawline with her middle finger. "Bloody hell, you could cut slice a book in half with this jawline."

Harry tilted his head in the other direction, closing his eyes tightly. 

"Stop it, that tickles," he laughed. 

Thalia laughed and she cupped the side of his face. She brought it closer to her own face and she pecked his cheek lightly. 

"You're so adorable."

"So are you," Harry smiled. He leaned forward and kissed the tip of Thalia's nose, causing the girl to scrunch her nose up. "I love y-"

"Eugh," Ron shuddered, making a barfing sound. "How do you say disgusting torture in seven languages? I'll tell you. BLECH." He was laying on his own bed, having nothing better to do than to watch Harry and Thalia be all lovey-dovey.

"Why do you have to bother us? Why don't you just go to the welcome-back feast?" Thalia asked, clearly annoyed. She wanted to spend time with Harry, not Ron and Harry. 

"Because," he sighed dramatically, "Harry said that this was bro time, the time for mates, the time for the best of mates! Not for mating! For mates! Meaning, you should not be here! And hell, I should be at the welcome-back feast! They've got the best chicken in the welcome-back feast!"

"When exactly did I say that this was bro time, Ron?" Harry questioned.

"You said it last year, and the year before that, and the year before that!" Ron exclaimed. "Every night, during the welcome-back feast, is supposed to be bro time. Not multiple bro time, with Dean and Seamus and Neville, but bro time for us. Just us."

"This seems a little cakey," Thalia commented. 

"I bet you know all about that, don't you, Forthing?" Ron scoffed. "Daphne Greengrass? Really?"

"I'm not about to be low and diss you, because if you fancy Harry, it's fine. Just come out and say it. We've both got great taste then," she retorted. 

"I don't fancy him!" the redhead opposed hotly. "That's my best friend! And you've been stealing him away, ever since you snogged him in fourth year, you manipulative little-"

"Ron, you can't say that!" Harry shouted, sitting upright in his bed. "That's my girlfriend." He motioned towards Thalia, who flipped over to face Ron. 

She stuck her tongue out at Ron.

"I- argh!" Ron grumbled. "Talk about pretty privilege."

He turned away from Thalia and scooted off his bed, walking over to the shared desk in the dorm. Ron grabbed the calendar off the nearby wall and he picked up a muggle pen from the desk.

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