chapter 9

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"Have any of you seen Thalia?" Harry asked nervously. 

All the Slytherins looked between each other. None of them knew where she was either, they were just told not to wait up by Snape. With a few eyebrow movements and a few nods, the boys silently decided that it was absolutely none of Potter's business when it comes to Thalia's whereabouts.

"None of your business, Potter," Draco scoffed, speaking for the entire group. "Just get on with the second task and hope the monster of the Black Lake wipes you out." The other boys laughed coldly and continued on their way to the platform where they would be watching the second task.

Blaise fell back a bit but the other boys didn't seem to notice as he approached Harry with his hands in the pockets of his black coat. "We haven't seen her since after classes yesterday," Blaise informed, breathing out the winter air. "Good luck, Potter."

He jogged to catch up with the rest of his friends and Harry walked off towards the platform where the champions would dive off. He took a place next to Cedric, at the edge, and Neville handed him the gillyweed.

"And you're sure this'll work?" Harry asked while eyeing the gillyweed. 

"Well, I don't know for sure," Neville mumbled. "There are some studies about the effects on freshwater versus saltwater-"

"You're not sure?" Harry sputtered. "Neville, my life depends on you!"

"I didn't know, I'm sorry!" Neville apologized quickly as the buzzer started to countdown. Harry mumbled curse words to himself and stuffed the gillyweed into his mouth.

The bespectacled boy started to choke and he felt someone push him into the freezing water. He couldn't breathe for a moment, but then his hands started to turn into webs and he felt gills on the side of his neck.

Harry smiled to himself and searched the murky waters for something he was supposed to retrieve. He heard the familiar sound of sirens and swam closer, pushing through the long overgrown seaweeds floating upwards.

Harry paused as he reached four floating figures with seaweed tying them down. He swam closer to Thalia and admired her sleeping figure, then looked over to Hermione and Cho Chang and some other girl he didn't know.

The Gryffindor wasn't sure which girl he was supposed to retrieve until Cedric came from behind him and cut the seaweed that was on Cho Chang. He shot Harry a friendly smile and swam upwards.

A few seconds later, a half-shark half-man came speeding towards the group and grabbed Hermione's frail body. Harry guessed that he was probably supposed to save Thalia then.

He didn't see Fluer coming to save the other girl so Harry tried to grab both of them until a creature approached and stabbed his arm, hissing, "only one."

If he didn't grab her, then Fluer's person would be down there forever. Harry undid Thalia's seaweed rope then held on as he quickly undid the other girl's. He swam upwards but the creatures started to attack him.

With all his power, Harry pushed Thalia and the Beauxbatons girl to the surface. He grabbed his wand and tried to fight off the creatures.

Thalia gasped the fresh air quickly. She shivered from the freezing cold water and grabbed the other girl and began pulling her towards the platform. "God, this is abuse!" Thalia screeched. "Submerging me underwater without consent! My mother will hear about this!"

Thalia let the other girl go up the ladder first and quickly followed. Her best friends quickly left the stands they were in and made their way to the main platform to comfort Thalia. "I will sue!" Thalia warned. "I practically fund this school and this is how I'm repaid! What the fuck!"

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