chapter 3

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"I wish I was 17," Theo said dreamily. His hands were behind his head and he laid on his bed normally, staring at the blank ceiling above him. The dirty blonde daydreamed, his fantasies filled with different competitions, him winning each one, whether it be by trophy, certificate, or medal. 

"I would be the best Triwizard champion anyone has ever seen," Theo boasted.

"You wouldn't even have a chance," Draco snorted. Theo's hopeful smile fell and he glared at the boy across the room, then looked at the girl laying next to him. Thalia just rested her head in the crook of Draco's neck and shrugged casually, while Draco had his arm wrapped around her waist.

"I'm just saying, the probability of you winning is so low," Draco pointed out, crushing Theo's dreams even more.

"Don't say that," Thalia snapped. "Theo, I'm sure that you would be a nice representative for Hogwarts."

Theo grinned at the brunette's compliment but Draco just had to cut in again. "Like you'd ever become a Hogwarts representative, much less win the tournament. Diggory's entered, he's a total shoo-in compared to you."

"You're such an arse," Thalia scoffed. Theo sent her a grateful smile and Thalia simply smiled back. 

Their friendship was the kind that didn't need many words but they were unnaturally comfortable with each other. One time, Theo laid across Thalia's desk in Potions and she got up and laid on top of him.

If Theodore was being honest, he always had a small crush on Thalia. She was gorgeous, cunning, smart, and kind, it was really hard not to fancy her. Not to mention, marrying a pureblood Slytherin with a good name, like Forthing, would do wonders for the Nott family. 

Although Notts were known to be powerful purebloods, their wealth would never compare to the Forthings, who were practically loaded.

And like any hormonal teenage boy, he liked her much more than platonically. But there was always Draco, who would be better than Theo in every way, making the dirty blonde much more insecure than his group of friends would ever know.

"Just saying," Draco said defensively. "I'm gonna go find some first years to bully. Come on, Lia."

"I don't want to," Thalia refused. Draco raised his eyebrows on shock.

Thalia didn't mind bullying but she also didn't like it, but if Draco liked doing it, she would at least pretend she liked doing it. "Professor Snape advised I lay low for a while," the brunette explained, hoping that was a good enough excuse.

"Whatever," Draco shrugged, pretending to not be offended. "Stay with Theo. I could care less. I'll just go with Crabbe and Goyle."

He removed himself from Thalia and they both left his bed. Draco left the boys dorm with loud stomps and Thalia walked over to Theodore's bed.

The dark blonde scooted to one side of the bed and Thalia slipped under the covers. Theo knew he couldn't control his bodily urges if something happened so he opted for moving towards the edge of his bed.

Thalia frowned as the warm body heat shifted away and she shifted around so they were closer to each other. "Who do you think the Triwizard champions are going to be?"

"Well Diggory's the only competent one putting his name in so it's probably going to be him," Theo guessed. "Then there's Viktor bloody Krum, but I'm not sure about Beauxbatons."

"Do you fancy any girls?"

Theo was surprised by the change in discussion and his voice cracked. "Y-yeah, I fancy a girl."

"Ohhh," Thalia gasped, "do tell." Theodore remained silent and tried his best not to flinch as Thalia reached over and started to play with his hair. 

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