chapter 18

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Rewind - 1994

"I didn't mean it like that, Lia, you know that," Theo sighed. Him and Thalia were laying on his bed and Theo just confessed his feelings for Thalia.

"No, it's fine, really. I don't think we have to talk about it again," Thalia shrugged, pretending not to care. Inside, she was a bit offended that Theo would want to forget this entire conversation when they clearly had the same feelings. "Do you wanna go down to the Great Hall now?"

"Yeah," the blonde agreed. Thalia grabbed Theo's hand and Theo's hand felt like it was burning up when it touched Thalia's. He felt his hand become sweaty and he didn't want to embarrass himself so he just pulled his hand away.

Thalia stared at him strangely but didn't pry as the two began to walk down to the Great Hall for dinner. When they reached the Slytherin table and sat down next to each other, Thalia was still staring at him.

Theo liked it when she stared at him but he felt uncomfortable when they made eye contact because Thalia never flinched or squirmed, or bothered to look away. She stared back with the same expression, not flustered in the slightest.

Theodore Nott feared what Thalia was capable of but at the same time, he wanted to find out. He wanted to be the one who got to kiss her and hold her and he wanted to be the one who got to tell her he loved her.

He noticed how Thalia used to stare back at him but as the months started to advance, she started to look away. Not because she was scared or nervous, but because she was looking at someone else.

The blonde found himself frowning as Thalia's attention drifted toward the Gryffindor table. It took him a while to pin which person was taking her attention away from him.

Theo's friends didn't pay any mind to him as he glared at the Gryffindor table. His hateful gaze was set upon the one and only Harry Potter.

How could Thalia possibly fancy him? Are they having an affair? What would Draco think if he found out? Was Harry better than me? How come she stopped liking me and now she fancies 'the Chosen One'? So many thoughts ran through Theo's mind as he watched Thalia and Harry over the months.

For so long, the relationship was one sided and it was so obvious that Harry fancied Thalia. Her friends would taunt him for it, Theo especially. And now, the relationship wasn't just one sided. Now, Theo's relationship with Thalia was one sided.

Theo didn't know why he didn't confront Thalia about it or even try to talk to her about it. He laid awake at night and just wondered if he was hallucinating or if his mind was perfectly fine.

And every night, he would convince himself that it was a hallucination and Thalia still fancied him instead of bloody Harry Potter. And every morning, when he sat in the Great Hall, he hallucinated again.


Present day 

Theo sat in the Great Hall once again, gritting his teeth and glaring at the idiot Gryffindor, Harry Potter. His dark eyes followed the Gryffindor as Harry exited the Great Hall. "I just remembered that I left my Potions textbook in my dorm," Thalia announced. "I'll meet you guys in first period."

Blaise, Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle all nodded, not really caring about Thalia's forgetfulness. For the past few weeks, she'd been forgetting a lot of things and the group didn't pay any attention to that anymore.

"I'l go with you, Lia," Theo offered. He had his suspicions and they were confirmed when Thalia's face fell. His heart felt like it was aching when Thalia wasn't as excited to be alone with him as she used to.

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