chapter 36

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Draco's eyes snapped open and he pulled his wand out from under his pillow as he pointed it everywhere, not knowing where the sound had come from. 

Theo physically tumbled out of his bed and landed on the floor with a hard thump. He rubbed the back of his head in pain and rubbed his eyes with his other hand.

Blaise pretended to not hear the noise at all and he just snuggled deeper into his pillow.

"Merlin, Lia!" Theo shouted from his spot on the floor. "You can't just shout at 6 in the morning!"

"It's my birthday. I'm using my birthday pass," Thalia bragged as she jumped onto Theo's bed. He clambered back onto his bed and tucked himself in again, only for Thalia to steal the blanket from him.

"Happy birthday, by the way," Theo added quietly.

"Thanks," she nodded.

"Now give me my blanket back," he demanded.

"No, everyone get up!" Thalia exclaimed loudly. "We need to spend the next two hours together before I have to go see Harry and then I have to go see my wretched parents and then I have to deal with your drunk arses."

"I hope it was worth it, Lia," Draco grumbled as he left his bed. "Now, I'll be cranky for the rest of the day because I didn't get my beauty sleep."

"What a shame," she retorted sarcastically. "Up, Blaise! Up!"


Harry looked over Thalia to see the time. 11:07 AM.

She was supposed to leave at 11 but they only spent an hour and a half together and that just wasn't enough for Harry anymore. When the time hit 11:00, he chose not to tell her.

Thalia dug her head deeper into his chest, as if she could get any closer, and Harry's eyes kept training on the clock. He gripped her waist tighter when the clock hit 11:08. 

"What time is it?" Thalia questioned. She was laying with Harry and her back was to the clock on his nightstand, so she had no idea what time it was nor did she want to move from her comfortable position.

"Oh, um," Harry stuttered. He couldn't ever lie to Thalia, no matter how much he wanted to. "It's 11:08," he finally sighed. "Time must've flown by."

"Oh, I've got to go," Thalia stated. She climbed out of his bed and Harry desperately grabbed her wrist.

"Don't go. We've barely spent any time together," he pleaded. Thalia smiled softly.

"Harry, I've got to. My parents are probably wondering where I am," she replied. Harry reluctantly released her and fell back onto his bed. "I'll see you tomorrow in classes, alright?"

"Okay," the bespectacled boy mumbled. "Wait, I didn't give you your gift!"

Harry scrambled out of his bed and went over to his drawers, just like he had a year ago. He pulled out a brown parcel that was just like the one he'd given her last year and he smiled innocently while handing it to Thalia.

"I've really got to go but I'll open it later," Thalia promised.

"Okay. Sorry for holding you back," he apologized quickly.

"It's alright. It wasn't your fault," she said. Thalia smiled again and kissed his lips softly before leaving his dorm.

Thalia ran down the stairs and entered Professor Umbridge's office. "Sorry, I'm late," she apologized quickly. "Just lost track of time."

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