chapter 25

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a/n: we're skipping over cedric's death because I get sad writing about that but just know he's totally dead now

The summer passed slowly for Thalia. Her father informed her of the Dark Lord returning and told Thalia that she had to prepare to join his ranks. She was tested by Draco's mother, Narcissa, and it turns out that Thalia wasn't skilled in Occulumens or Legilimens.

Her family was desperate for her to be of use to the Dark Lord somehow and Thalia was never good at Potions, so she studied wand work. More specifically, wandless magic and wordless magic. 

She learned to levitate objects with her hands easily, along with a few spells like the disarming spell, body-binding spell, silencing spell, and shielding spell.

Thalia was now sitting in her usual compartment with Draco, Blaise, and Theo, and she wasn't as excited as she thought she'd be. "Who do you guys think the new Defense teacher's gonna be?" Theo asked.

Much like Thalia, Theo had been practicing things as well to be prepared to join the Dark Lord's ranks, but he focused on the Dark Arts. Draco focused on becoming a Potions master and Blaise focused on his Legilimens. 

"Hope it's a female," Thalia said. "There's not enough female teachers." She had a muggle baseball in her lap and she held her hand over it for a few seconds. "Check it."

Thalia closed her eyes and lifted her fingers up a bit. She stroked the air downwards and she felt the ball's weight no longer on her lap. Thalia opened her eyes and flipped her hand over, causing the baseball to float above her hand.

"Shit," Theo exclaimed, "I should've done that instead of focusing on the Dark Arts. I'd do that in public and look like a superhero, not a wizard."

"You wouldn't be able to," Draco snorted. "Lia's obviously more skilled in wand work. Stick to your Dark Arts."

"Oh yeah, like being a Potions master is any better," Theo mocked playfully. Thalia cracked her familiar small smile while Blaise only rolled his eyes.

"I've been practicing doing other things too," Thalia pipped up. "I can move the ball more now." She slid the door to the compartment open and Draco, who was opposite Thalia, stuck his head out after the girl exited. 

Blaise and Theo watched her from the doorway as she kept levitating the baseball hesitantly. Thalia winded her arm back and quickly straightened her hand. The baseball flew out of her hand and shot forward, going all the way down the hall and hitting a student with a loud thump.

"My bad," Thalia called, not really caring. The brunette put the back of her hand to the ground and the ball shot back into her palm quickly. Her long hair fell in front of her face as she turned back to her friends for approval. "S'cool, isn't it?"

"Now I really hate that I chose Dark Arts," Theo grumbled.


Thalia was searching for a place to do her homework in the library because her friends were being too loud in their dorm and the common room was packed. Unfortunately, the library was too.

The Slytherin walked down the aisles of bookcases, towards the back where the tables were. Almost every table was full except one, so Thalia walked over. She was about to demand that the boy leave until she recognized him as Neville Longbottom.

"Neville?" Thalia asked.

Neville's head shot up and his eyes widened in alarm as he realized Thalia was in front of him. He didn't know how he felt about Thalia because when she was with Harry, she seemed nice but there was that incident where he walked in on them. 

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