Chapter 14

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Percy P.O.V

Percy and Sara watched as Annabeth walked out the door and back down to the Pavilion, the goblets which they drank from in her hand. They could still taste the blue cherry coke on their tongues. Oh, how they missed blue food. The blue food, blue drinks and the blue cookies their Mum used to make.


That struck a chord deep within them. What had happened to Sally Jackson after all this time when they were down under? Tartarus and Kronos forbid emotion and weakness. Sally was a weakness that had to be forbidden from their mind.

But right now, their masters weren't here to stop them from it. Sara and Percy Jackson, Champions of Tartarus thought the same things. How was Mum? How is Paul? Do they still remember us? Do they still live around here? Do they miss us? Are they even alive?

After those questions, they immediately shook the thoughts out of their heads. No, they thought. They had to stay on the mission. They turned away from the window and sat on the floor facing each other. They meditated and concentrated on contacting Kronos. They managed to contact him and told him their worries. Kronos being grandpa material, helped them and made them focus again. 

They ended the link and the twins, with their eyes still closed, felt a few presences in the room that wasn't there before.

They opened their eyes and found Leo, Jason and Piper standing on the opposite corner of the room with a look of curiousness in their eyes. The twins began to stare them down.

Leo was the first to look away from their gaze. Then Jason and finally Piper.

"To scared to look us in the eye and see what you have made us?" They sneered together. 

They all looked guiltily to the floor, daring not to have eye contact with the twins.

The two huffed as they watched the shameful looks from their former friends.

Jason decided to step forward. "I apologise for not standing up for you and for disowning you as-" he began but was cut off my growling.

"How DARE you apologise after what we've been through. We went through hell because of an accusation that of which wasn't true! Don't apologise. It doesn't make a difference. You want to know the best part? He/I was about to ask Annabeth to marry him/me!"

The news shocked the three demigods. That was why Percy had been so distant. He was trying hard to keep a secret. The demigods swore he could see a glisten of an unshed tear in Percy's eyes. Sara continued, this time without Percy.

"He was going to ask Annabeth to marry him! He was trying to solve the plan Gaia had spun into riddles! he did nothing wrong! I DID NOTHING WRONG!" Sara began to scream, tugging against the tight Celestial bronze wires that bound her.

Piper began to cry. Seeing her friend like this was a torture to her. 

"I DID NOTHING WRONG AND I GOT PUNISHED FOR IT! SO TELL ME, DO YOU LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? BROKEN TWINS OF RAGE AND FIRE?! DO OUR PAIN AND SORROW TORTURE YOU?! DO YOU LIKE THIS? DO YOU LIKE ME LIKE THIS?!" Sara thrashed against the ropes, the rope cutting into her skin. Jason shed a tear that ran down his face. Watching his cousins thrash helplessly was the worst thing he could watch.

This time, Percy began to thrash around with Sara and they screamed in unison. 

"IT BUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRNNNNNNNNNNNNSSSSSS!" they wailed, tears flowing down their cheeks.

The three demigods watched in pain before quickly leaving the attic, wanting to see no more.

Chiron cantered up the three, a questioning look dawned on his features.

The three looked up to him and the first thing he saw was the brokenness in their eyes. The pain of watching the twins. The guilt, the torture swirling in their irises.

Annabeth rushed to the Big House when he heard the twins screaming and once the screaming subsided, she, Reyna and Hazel walked in along with Chris.

They smiled at the twins in the attic and pretended not to see tear trails running down their faces and greeted them a good morning. The twins turned to look at them with a neutral expression.

Chris broke a tense silence by giving a very obvious comment.

"You look bored."

"No... really? Good observation Sherlock," Percy deadpanned. "Next you'll be telling my the sky has clouds or I'm handsome even when I've been through hell for the second time. Thanks. I'm aware."

"What are you doing here. Not that we like to see you watch us and torture yourselves on the inside but I could easily take you one by one if I wanted to," Sara continued on.

The four demigods sat cross-legged across from the twins. A hint of a smile graced their lips.

The twins were getting bored and annoyed and their ADHD wasn't helping. Say something... anything! Wait, don't say anything! What? 

Percy began to tap his finger on his leg while Sara lolled her head back over and over again. A thing they did to relieve them of their built-up adrenaline.

A small smile from Annabeth made them conscious of their actions and they immediately stopped. The look on Annabeth's face didn't leave though. They had just done what Annabeth had hoped for.

"Is there a reason you came up here? Or are you just really intent on staring at me? I've seen a ton of monsters in Tartarus and your staring is even creepier. And that says a LOT," Percy spoke after a few moments.

Annabeth smiled yet again before beckoning for the others to leave.

Percy and Sara looked to each other with a 'what the hades happened' look and shrugged.


As Annabeth walked out the attic, she went to the conference room which had a pin pong table for a well, table. They immediately perked up when the demigods entered the room.

"How'd it go?" Rachel was the first to break the silence.

"Old Percy and Sara is definitely there," Annabeth answered.

"What if they aren't? They've been in Tartarus for two whole years," Clarisse, ever the realist spoke.

"They are. Percy and Sara did their ADHD release thing when we were staring at them. Percy made really sarcastic remarks and Sara always uses competition to talk. They're still there."

A short fanfic - Percy BetrayalWhere stories live. Discover now