Chapter 19

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Annabeth P.O.V

The camp was havoc. Monsters were battling demigods and all you could see were the whisps of gold and bronze where the blades cut through the air and all you could hear is the shrieking cry of monsters and the battle cry of demigods as their weapon sliced and diced each monster.

Without the leaders to keep their group intact and to remind them of their next move, everyone was out of sync. As quickly as they could, Annabeth, Jason, Piper, Leo, Nico, Clarisse, Hazel and Thalia ran to rally their groups, leaving Unison still chained in the attic.

Thalia's, Frank's, Jason's and Annabeth's groups which consisted of half the Ares cabin, the Demeter cabin and the Hecate cabin boxed them in and quickly disintegrating the monsters that they had cornered.

Leo, Clarisse and Pipers group which consisted of the other half of the Ares cabin, Hephaestus and Apollo children battled out with the other monsters on the other side of the camp where the bigger monsters had entered. Dracenae, two gorgons Percy had fought previously (Medusa's sisters), hellhounds, and even beef head came from that side. The battle against the monsters were hard and cruel, for every time a monster cut down, three more would take its place and fight back with more fervour.

Nico used his underworld-y powers to summon the dead to fight the monsters while Hazel rode Arion, slicing every monster she came into contact with.

The campers were becoming tired. Fighting for so long with an army of monsters was like running a track around a country. Everyone was ready to drop their weapons with sore arms and legs. But that was when the gods came to aid.

In a golden flash, all twelve Olympians stood in their gold armour, tall and proud. The monsters stood stumped, and with a loud war cry, Ares sent everyone battling stronger than before.

Two ear-piercing screams stopped every demigod and monster in their tracks. The twins have awoken and the Champions of Tartarus shall fight against the gods. The Big House attic shook and rattled, rendering even Chiron speechless.

Unison (wow just realised I haven't used that name for a while...) was flying to the battle, armed with their water and their swords with their wings blowing powerful gusts overhead the campers and monsters alike. Both landed with a resounding wham as they faced the gods. And their father.

Poseidon tried to coax them back to their side.

"Sara, Percy, please. I was mistaken. it was wrong of me to think that you would ever work for Gaia. Please, my twins. Please come home. My children. Please," Poseidon stepped forward, reaching to caress his children's faces. Percy and Sara hesitated, and Poseidon carefully reached out even more, like you would when you try to pat a dog.

As Poseidon's rough hands grazed the skin of Unison, a tiny spark of life came and went in their seemingly emotionless eyes. Everyone in camp was watching carefully, even the monsters and especially Kronos.

Time seemed to stop (ha ironic) and for a moment, it seemed that everything was going to be alright again. But Sara was the first to flick Poseidon's hand aside, tears in her eyes. and after that, Percy followed.

"My children please," Poseidon pleaded with his twins.

Furious and full of tears, the twins turned and rose into the air, seemingly invisible droplets of water carrying them from the ground.

"You plead with us as we did with you. We pleaded with you not to agree to it. You disowned us as your children. We pleaded with you like you are now. So why should we accept? Because you are our father? As a father, you should've known the consequences. As a father once abandoned by his own should have known. All of you," Unison spoke together, looking down upon the gods and their father.

"All of you should have known," their voices broke and they quickly left, their eyes which brimmed with tears now seemingly emotionless once more.

The monster army stood on one end, and the demigods on the other alongside the gods.

And so the fight for Olympus began.

A short fanfic - Percy BetrayalWhere stories live. Discover now