Chapter 7

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Annabeth P.O.V

Annabeth stared into the big blue ocean and tears started to streak down her cheeks. She felt so horrible, even after 5 years, she still felt so guilty. She wanted to burn, she wanted to drown herself in Percy's domain and hoped he'd come back in exchange for her life. 

Why did I feel this way?  She thought sadly.

5 years ago, her ex-boyfriend was framed for treason as well as cheating on her. She kissed another boy because she thought Percy was cheating on her. Later after Percy and Sara were sent to Tartarus, Sara because she stood up for Percy then accused for lying, we found out they were both innocent. They didn't spy for Gaia.

She had went to his cabin and found notes on Sara and Percy's study table, explaining why the maps of Olympus were rolled up in his room... Sara and Percy were trying to figure out where Gaia would strike next.

She also found that Percy never cheated on her. She saw  him with another girl and thought they were secretly seeing each other, which they were, but only because a girl from the Hephaestus cabin was making a ring for Percy so he could propose to her.

Once she had realised what she had done, the guilt settled on her shoulders, breaking her mind. She barely ate, she barely slept. She was always cranky and depressed.

Realisation came crashing on her shoulders everyday. She had sent her boyfriend and his sister to hell.

Percy's friends felt horrible when Annabeth told them that Percy and Sara were innocent. They had literally and practically killed their best friend.

When Percy and Sara were banished, Annabeth, the 7, Reyna, Nico, the Stoll brothers, Clarisse, Katie and Chris were granted a wish. They chose a wish like Artemis' hunters. Immortal, but will die in battle.

Annabeth felt a presence appear beside her.

She took her knife and swung around, knife to the persons throat. Turned out to be Thalia but can't b too careful these days.

"Thinking of funny, quirky, Percy Jackson and his 5 seconds older sister?" Thalia asked sadly. Guilt and pain flared in her chest as she nodded slowly, tears starting to fall. "I have too... I can't believe we sent our friends, cousins, boyfriend to the eternal pit of Tartarus." Thalia sighed sadly, guilt lacing her words.

Connor Stoll ran towards Annabeth and Thalia, stopped, took a breath and quickly spoke, "MeetingintheBigHousealltheOlympiansarealreadythere." he sped off to the Big House.

"I guess we better go... Connor looked serious and when he's serious, he really means serious. And also because the Olympians are there." Annabeth sighed.

They trudged to the Big House and were the last to arrive. Zeus sat at the front and addressed us all.

"Campers, we have just received news. Kronos and Tartarus are stirring." Zeus said. he was definitely blunt...

Everyone went into a frenzy.

"SILENCE!" Hera yelled. "We also have news that Tartarus has picked 2 champions who shall be coming by with an important message. They will both be coming. Best not to anger them, so they don't kill anyone." Wow, Hera was saying something smart at last.

"I think we should get rid of these... champions of Tartarus when they get here." Clarisse snarled. "Then we have one less problem to worry about."

"Is that what we are? Problems?" spoke unknown voices in the shadows. Everyone jumped and turned to see 2 figures melt from the shadows.

A short fanfic - Percy BetrayalWhere stories live. Discover now