Chapter 3

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Percy P.O.V

Percy stood there in silence, as though the phrase dawned on him. Sara ran toward her brother, leading him back to cabin three. Their cabin.

Sara sat him down and looked him in the eyes. "Are you okay, brother?" Sara asked worriedly. Percy was broken.

He stared into empty space, realisation crashing onto his shoulders. "She's gone... We're done..." Percy muttered.

Suddenly, Athena poofed into existence and yelled angrily at the top of her lungs, "PERSEUS JACKSON!" Percy turned to face her, his face blank, his eyes like broken glass.


Percy mumbled, barely making a sound at all.

Jason, Piper, Leo, Nico, Thalia, Frank and Hazel stormed to him.

"We found Annabeth crying. Did you do this?" Jason asked angrily.


Athena stopped abruptly, "We will take Perseus Jackson to Olympus for trial. For treachery. And for breaking my daughter's heart." she stated.

Athena vanished, taking Argo 2 crew, Percy, Sara and Annabeth with her.

They reappeared in Olympus, gazing up at the gods, towering over them. Athena returned to her godly size before taking her place in the semicircle arranged chair.

"You have been tried for treason and for breaking Annabeth's heart," Zeus went straight to the point.

That snapped Percy from his trance. "Wait, what? Treason? I would never!" 

"What can you explain from this then?" Zeus asked angrily, showing Percy the notes from his cabin Percy had been trying to decipher.

"What? I am not working with Gaia! I would never work with Earth face! Those notes-" Percy yelled.

"Lord Zeus, it's true! My brother hasn't been working with Gaia. He would never be Gaia spy. Never!" Sara said while staring Zeus and Athena in the eye. Only few demigods could do that without being incinerated to dust.

Percy was grateful for his sister but Zeus interrupted his thoughts. "You are only saying this to save your brother! You are too a traitor! You have been working with Perseus Jackson as well, making you a traitor of Olympus! Seize Sara Jackson!" Zeus yelled.

"Brother," Poseidon stood. "Maybe they aren't working with Gaia," he sighed.

"Dad?" Sara and Percy said in unison. "Do you not believe your own blood?" Sara asked with a tear falling down her face. "Do you not believe me Poseidon? You think I'm working for Gaia don't you?" Percy growled. Poseidon flinched at Percy calling him by his godly name and not 'Father'.

Jason P.O.V

Jason couldn't believe it. Percy was a traitor. He had been friends with a traitor. He'd been friends with twin traitors. He hated traitors. Furthermore, he had made Annabeth cry. Annabeth loved Percy more than anything and Percy had the nerve to make her upset?

Jason and the rest of the group stared at Percy, on his knees, facing judgement from the gods. Sara ran and stood in front of her brother, speaking to the king of the gods, eyes bored into his.

Sara P.O.V

"What is their sentence?" Athena snapped impatiently at Zeus.

"Death," Zeus spoke in monotone.

"Brother, maybe we should give them the benefit of the doub-" Poseidon was interrupted.

"You are their father. The only reason you are standing up for them is because you don't want yourself to have a bad name," Zeus angrily spoke.

"Father? Is this true? Is it just because we make you look bad?" Tears were freely falling down Sara's face now.

Poseidon looked down ashamed.

"I hate you. I HATE YOU ALL!" Percy started screaming.

"Sentence to Tartarus. Forever." Zeus spoke in his godly voice.

"NO!" Annabeth and Percy screamed.

"He may have broken my heart and he may have been a traitor but no one deserves Tartarus. Not even him. Not Sara. I have been to literal hell and back Lord Zeus. No one deserves to go back to hell twice." Annabeth said tearfully.

Sara knew Annabeth. She wasn't standing for Percy. She was standing for her.

"The decision has been made," Zeus boomed. He snapped his fingers and Percy and Sara began to disintegrate into gold dust. "Any last words, traitors?"

"We will have our vengeance. We will come for you all. I HATE THE GODS. YOU TURNED ON US SO EASILY. YOU WILL ALL PAY!" Sara and Percy spoke in twin rage and hurt in their voice.

A short fanfic - Percy BetrayalWhere stories live. Discover now