Chapter 12

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Percy P.O.V


Percy and his sister knelt before Tartarus as they waited for him to speak.  He was quiet at first before speaking, "You two have done well in my name."

"Thank you master," the twins spoke in unison.

"But you two could have done it without showing them your wings,' he spoke harshly. The twins winced at his tone and hung their heads.

"Sorry Master. Jason and the others were beginning to get on our nerves,' they twins replied together.

"I'll- what's the sentence you use these days?- let it slide for today. Do not make the same mistake. Learn to control your anger and use that anger to  your advantage. Understood?" Tartarus questioned.

"Yes Master, we will not make the same mistake twice."

"They really believe they have you two hostage?" Kronos mused, chuckling under his breath. "Fools they must be to think you two can easily be ensnared by pathetic and weak demigod scum."

"For the time being. We await our next instructions for the mission." the twins spoke. "Getting captured proved useful. The demigods are weakened by regret of what the have done."

"I know Unison. For now, stay where you are. Stir a little trouble, create anger in their hearts. Make them regret what they have done to the both of you. Do it if you have to." Tartarus instructed. "Now my Champions, you must wake. You have to go. Awake, my Champions!"

Sara woke up coughing and sneezing from the dust that floated in the air. Percy coughed and shuffled hoping to move but saw himself tied to a pole in the wall with Celestial Bronze ropes. Sara was also snarling and struggling, her ropes digging into her skin.

"Calm down sister. Stop struggling. You are hurting yourself."  Percy thought to Sara. Sara immediately stopped struggling and snarling and looked at their surroundings. They were in the attic the old Mummy Oracle used to live in. 

The attic door squeaked open slowly, revealing Clarisse and Chris standing there. They must have heard Sara struggling and snarling because they had their weapons in hand. Clarisse was glaring at him and Sara, her hand twitching, itching for her spear.

"So you up huh?" she spoke through gritted teeth, trying to control her obvious rage.

Sara replied sarcastically, "If we weren't awake, we wouldn't be trying to talk to your stupid baby face."

Clarisse started to boil. Chris placed a hand on Clarisse's shoulder and she calmed considerably. "Go. Tell Chiron and the others they are awake." he muttered softly.

Clarisse nodded and before she left, threatened to skewer me and Sara if anything happened to Chris. After Clarisse left, Chris turned to face Percy and Sara and didn't try to mask the disappointment in his eyes and posture.

"I can't believe this happened to the both of you," he muttered softly.

"You better believe it," Percy and Sara spat in unison. Percy and Sara were thinking the same thing in their minds. He was their old friend. And he was the one who betrayed them.

" I'm sorry." He spoke suddenly, making Percy's eyes light in surprise.

"What?" Sara snarled, with a hint of surprise in her voice as well.

"I'm sorry." He repeated softly. "We should have been smarter. We should have instantly realised that the gods were wrong. We never should have doubted you two. Annabeth was filled with betrayal and anger to try to think clearly and when Sara stood up for you, we had thought she was trying to help you escape so we didn't do anything to stop it. I'm sorry."

Percy and Sara was quiet, their faces scrunched up in concentration, thinking of their next words carefully. "Well, it happened. We are not changing. We don't need to worry about you, it's you who needs to worry." they snarled together.

"As sorry as I am, I am still unhappy and disappointed in you and Sara. I admired you both, just like everyone else here. It hurts me to see you two like this. Evil and vengeful." Chris spoke before leaving. Part of Sara and Percy wanted to call him back to apologise to him. 

Percy and Sara chided themselves. 2nd day into the mission and they were already going soft. Focus on the mission. Only the mission.

Percy and Sara noticed a window and walked towards it. Their faces stony and blank. Devoid of emotion. Their ropes were long enough for them to have a look outside.

They saw the half-bloods doing their training as usual. Climbing the lava wall, playing volleyball, sword fighting, riding pegasi, the usual activities at camp. They felt rays of sunshine enter their mind, pushing away dark thought and betrayal for a split second before they shook their heads.

'No' the twins thought 'Theses memories will be locked in the deepest part of  the mind. Camp betrayed me. Why should I feel happy to be back?'

They both turned away from the window, trying hard to ignore the happy squeals coming from the camp.

"We cannot get soft now. We have a mission to complete. These memories are in the way of that." the twins thought together.

They had a mission to finish, and they intended to do just that.

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