Chapter 16

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Annabeth P.O.V

When Jason had told Annabeth that Percy and Sara were playing their own little game they had created, she gave a hopeful grin and rushed to the wise centaur, hoping to ask and receive some advice.

As she approached Chiron, his tail flicked in anxiety and Annabeth know something wasn't right. Tentatively, she approached the agitated being and asked with a cautious tone, wondering what would worry Chiron so much.

"Chiron? What is worrying you?" Annabeth stood beside the centaur staring out to the lake.

"Nothing child, just a sudden thought that came to mind. Evil lurks in the shadows Annabeth. And I'm afraid that being captured by us was on purpose. Now Annabeth, why did you come to see me with such haste?" he speaks with a worried tone, his hooves clopping nervously on the wooden floors.

Annabeth smiled and relayed what Jason had told her to Chiron. He smiled and for a moment, his worried wrinkles that had appeared on his face had lessened slightly, letting Chiron look peaceful again.

"An army from Tartarus approaches the camp, he is growing stronger every day," Chiron states and Annabeth's smile falters for a moment.

Her hope begins to fade once more, that is until Chiron speaks again.

"But there is a way to defeat the armies of Tartarus when they get here," Chiron said, looking to Annabeth.

"We have to make the twins help us. We have to turn them back to the twins we know. They have answers, and we need them. They know how the army is going to attack. We need that. Do whatever you can to change them back. This all relies on them. And you," Chiron says gravely, his voice worried and tired.

Annabeth nods in determination. "I'll do everything I can."

Unison P.O.V

The little ADHD game Percy and Sara had created had gotten boring and to be honest, meditating was even more boring. The silence was killing them, having nothing to do, nothing to play with.

They were seriously considering breaking out of their chains and cause some havoc but Tartarus had ordered them not to, so they didn't. At least in Tartarus after training, they would be able to roam around and bend the rivers Lethe and Cocytus to their will and play around with it.

Huffing irritably, the twins stood up from their seated spots, Sara arching her back to hear a few cracks before walking around and pulling at the chains, their arms getting a little red from the friction.

The two plopped back down, giving a pout and looking out the window nearby. The sunlight was shining through, bathing the twins in sunlight, a warm feeling they haven't felt in so long. Tartarus wasn't exactly a spot for a nice stroll in the sun.

Sighing in utter boredom, the twins took it upon themselves to find little games to play, seeing how long they could stare at each other unblinkingly, which was hard considering the amount of dust in the air, thumb wars, which Sara always won, and making tiny water creatures battle with whatever water they could find in the air.

They were getting bored, and that was when mighty killjoys entered the attic. Jason, Clarisse, Annabeth.

They gave a little glare in their direction and began to play their little game of rock, paper, scissors, trident, poison, sword. Annabeth watched them as they played, they seemed to act so innocently when they were doing it.

After the chant, Sara pulled out three fingers for trident while Percy pulled out a rock. Sara smirked devilishly and smacked her hand onto Percy's 'rock' and announced to Percy, "Trident smashes rock!"

Percy gave a glare and muttered under his breath.

"Rematch!" He hissed out, getting his fist ready for another round.

The twins ignored the fact that three campers were watching them play. they didn't seem to care at all.

"Can... I join?" Annabeth called out tentatively, making the twins whirl their heads around to face the trio.

"NO," they hissed together, returning to their game.

Back down in Tartarus, Kronos had begun to miss his grandchildren. The way they always pulled pranks on him after their training sessions. Kronos seeks Tartarus for a mission report and he admits that the twins were having more trouble completing the mission. The Athena spawn was trying to reform them, especially Perseus, to his original form before he met them.

Kronos makes a stand for his grandchildren. He trusts them. He knows them. They would never be turned.

A/N: Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated in a while. Work and stuff holding me baccckkk. But I promise I'll try to update. I have many other books in progress and with so many ideas running through my head and so many books I'm on the verge of writing is making me cut back on my publishing times. This chapter is short but I'll try to make the next one much longer. Sorry for not updating for a month.

A short fanfic - Percy BetrayalWhere stories live. Discover now