I have completely changed this chapter because it didn't match to how I made the last chapter end. enjoy!Kelsey's POV
I had to endure a whole hour sitting next to a guy who not even five minutes ago bit my neck. Not a sensual bite but an actual pierce the skin bite. I was freaking out right then, more than that, I was having an inner mental breakdown. On the outside, I was trying to look calm, cool and collected whilst on the inside, I was screaming and mentally beating Lucas with a bat. I wanted to get as far away from him as possible. But nooooo, I have to be in school because it's the law, stupid law. I just need to try and get my mind off the whole thing, just so I can make it through the lesson. Wait. Maybe this is a dream, maybe I've completely dreamt this day, I mean it hasn't been the first time, I've had a hot dream and it's turned sinister. I just have no luck at all in that department.
Lucas tried talking to me a couple of times, telling me that he can explain and that he was sorry but every time he came near me, I would flinch and lean away. Soon, he gave up and left me be. I wanted to go home so bad, I wanted to shower, to cry, to sleep, to eat. That reminded me, I was really hungry which is strange since I ate so much this morning. I never eat this much. Just as I was imaging about food, the bell for end of lesson sounded and I leapt out of my chair and flew out of the classroom to my next lesson. Which was maths. Thankfully Rachel was there so I had someone to keep my mind sane from this whole weird Lucas thing. I sat down next to her and breathed a sigh of relief, "You ok?" she asked.
I nodded and forced a smile on, "Yeah, I'm ok, I'm just a little tired" I lied. "I bet you are" She winked at me. I furrowed my brows at her. She beamed at me, "I saw you go into the cupboard with the Alpha", "The alpha? you on about Lucas?" "Yeah, who else would be the Alpha", "Um, why do you call him 'The Alpha'?" I asked quite confused. "Don't you know?", "Know what?" What is she on about? "O-oh u-um, well Lucas is quite popular around here and some people call him, 'The Alpha' because of him being top dog and all, it's weird I know" "Um, yeah, it is weird". There was a moment of silence before Rachel spoke.
"Sooooo, what happened in the cupboard between you two?" "I d-don't want to t-talk about it" "Hey, what happened, is everything alright?" "I said that I didn't want to talk about it" I snapped slightly. "Oh, um ok" I felt guilty for snapping at her, but it freaked me out, what happened in there and besides who'd believe me f I told them that Lucas had bit me. "I'm sorry Rachel, I've just been having a weird day", "It's ok, I understand". We finally tuned into the teacher and he was going on about Pythagoras Theorem, both me and Rachel rolled our eyes and instead started to play hangman.
So what did u think???

I am the alphas mate
WerewolfI was grabbed by the arm and pinned against the wall, I gasped in shock as I looked up to see the dude from earlier, "what the h-" I was cut off when he placed his finger over my lips and shushed me, "Mine" he growled. yes growled, I mean who growls...