Lucas's POV
Brightness blinded me as my eyes fluttered open. I squeezed them shut and rubbed them before slowly opening them again.
I sat up, looking at my surroundings. I fouund myself lying on a couch in Alpha Charlie's pack house. Naked. How did i get here?. Last thing i remember is being in the woods with Kelsey.
It wasn't long before i smelt the scent of blood. I looked towards where the smell was strongest and on the floor was a small puddle of thick red blood.
A groan came from my right and i saw a back, slowing rising from behind another couch . "Ow, bloody vampire strength" the guy who i know knew was Alpha Charlie by his voice, grunted as he turned around rubbing his chest.
"What happened?" i asked as i stood up and chucked on the shorts and t-shirt that we laid on the couchs arm.
Charlie jolted when i spoke but sighed a breath of relief when he saw me, "You're awake thats good. Kelsey attacked me. Megan tried to kill her and she just went ape shit. i tried to stop her but she booted me into the wall. She's stronger than any werewolf or vampire i've come into contact with"
Suddenly growling and barking sounded from outside. We made our way down the hall and stepped outside to see just about every member of Charlies pack outside. Some of them were lying on the floor in human form whilst the rest were closing in on something in wolf form.
I looked to see where they were heading and saw a brown and black wolf with midight blue eyes, advancing towards the pack. Kelsey. But she was bigger than the last time i saw her wolf. Nearly the size of mine.
"EVERYBODY, STOP!" Charlie bellowed in his alpha voice. Immediately everybody stopped and looked towards us. "EVERYBODY, SHIFT, NOW!"
Again without hesitation, every wolf shifted into their human form and soon the whole clearing was filled wih naked men and woman. And that meant... oh damn.
I looked towards Kelsey and like the others, she was as naked as the day she was born. I inwardly growled at the sight.
Only i'm allowed to see her like that. "Kelsey" i called as i started running toward her.
I saw her face light up before she followed suit.
I coldn't wait to have her in my arms. I couldn't wait to bury my face in her neck and inhale her sweet scent of honeysuckle.
Just before i got to her, i didn't have time to react before i bang went off and Kelsey's head flung to the side, her body instantly falling limp to the ground with a thud.
In a blink of an eye, i was beside her and cradling her as i searched for where te gun had fired from.
I soon pinpointed it on a woman walking forward with a grin on her face. I snarled at her and went to break her neck, but before i could even get up, Charlie paced a hand on my shoulder, "Get out of here, She's a vampire, she'll heal, get her home, i'll take care of my pack"
I nodded and sent the woman who shot my mate another death glare, before picking Kelsey up, bridal style and running to the gravel driveway where my car was.
I buckled her in the passenger seat before getting in the drivers seat and zooming out of there, looking in the rearview mirror to see that everyone was kicking off at our departure.
I pulled onto the main road and headed right towards my pack.
I'd been driving for about 20 minutes before i heard a ding from beside me and a loud gasp followed a millisecond later. I whipped my head to the side and saw Kelsey, wide awake, breathing heavily.
I placed my hand on her shoulder, "Hey, hey, you're alright now, you're safe" She finally calmed down as she looked at me. I pulled the blanket that i'd put on her earlier higher so i wasn't distracted while i drove.
"Thanks" she whispered as she clutched the blanket in her shaking hand, "Where are we going?"
"Home" She gave a smile before it fell and was replaced with a frown and sadness crept into her eyes. She turned away from me and bowed her head towards her lap.
"Hey what's up? we're going home, we're going to help you"
It was acouple of minutes before she raised her head again, but she had tears welling up as she answered me, "I nearly killed another person today, i'm a monster, how could you be with me" she gestured to herself.
"I love you ok, Yes you killed someone today, but you're a newly changed vampire, it almost always happens, you can't help it ok? Me and my family are going to help you with this, you will control it, i know you can ok, baby?"
She slowly nodded and laid her head on my shoulder. "Alright, just promise me that you'll everything you can to stop me if i go vampire crazy again. Even if it means killing me"
I didn't answer, i just rested my cheek against her head and listened to her breathing slow as she fell asleep. This has to work out. It has to. i'm not killing my mate. I thought i lost her once. i'm not losing her for real this time.
So, what did you guys think?

I am the alphas mate
WerewolfI was grabbed by the arm and pinned against the wall, I gasped in shock as I looked up to see the dude from earlier, "what the h-" I was cut off when he placed his finger over my lips and shushed me, "Mine" he growled. yes growled, I mean who growls...