I've done some editing so some comments might not make sense, Enjoy!
A week later
I woke up to seeing sunlight streaming through a gap in my curtains, I groaned and turned over away from the light and went back to sleep. But it didn't last for long when my bedroom door abruptly swung open and my mum came running in shouting "GET UP, GET UP, YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!" I looked at my clock and saw it was 8 am, I gasped, I only had half an hour to get ready and get to school.
I jumped out of bed but ended up smashing to the floor because my legs were tangled in my bed sheets, "Ow, you mother fucking stupid sheets" I grumbled as I limped and rubbed my knee whilst hurrying to my closet. I chucked on black skinny jeans with a red checked top and my converses. I'd had a shower the night before so I didn't need to worry about it.
I quickly scrubbed my teeth and brushed my hair, grabbed my bag and rushed down stairs. I went to the kitchen to grab something to eat when something hit me in the face. I caught it and saw it was a packet of crisps, I looked up, to see a pair of keys being thown my way, I ducked and heard them clank against the wall. "What the hell?"
"Sorry honey but you're going to be late, drive the car to school today, I'll sort something out" I looked at the time and saw I had ten minutes to get to school. I yelled a "bye", grabbed the keys and rushed out the door. As I sat in the car, I opened the bag of crisps, sat them between my legs and sped off as I ate them on the way to school. I had no trouble driving on the roads as whenever me and mum came here for a holiday, my grandad would teach me how to drive here. I've been doing it since I was 15 but we never told mum until I was 17 and even then we told her I'd only recently been learning.
I got there in 5 minutes, leaving me enough time to run to reception to receive my schedule. As I walked down the path, I saw that a few people were staring at me. What? Had no one seen a girl in a hurry before?. As I got closer to the entrance doors, I heard wolf whistles to my right and someone shout, "Woah baby where did you come from?" I looked at them and was immediately pulled to one guy and once I saw him, it was like nothing else existed around me but him.
He had black shaggy hair, that made me feel the urge to run my hands through, he was probably about 6'2 and had a muscular build. His black top hugged his upper body showing off his rock looking biceps and clearly showing his eight pack. Eight pack?!! oh my god, I think I just melted. When my eyes finally travelled up to his, I saw that they were an icy blue, but like mine just were, his were checking me out. Suddenly, he shook his head and looked towards one of the guys that was with him then shoved him, quite hard as well afterwards it looked like he was having a go at the guy he shoved, I furrowed my brows in confusion, I wonder what happened.
I was knocked out of my thoughts when I walked straight into the entrance doors, causing snickers to erupt from around me. I felt my face go bright red, then I remembered what I was supposed to be doing. So I rushed through the doors and tried to find the reception office. After some directions, I managed to find my way there. I walked in and up to the desk with a woman in her early thirties maybe with her blonde hair in a bun, wearing a smart blazer and trousers. As I neared, she looked and smiled, "What can I do for you?""Um, Hi, I'm Kelsey Winters, it's my first day here, could I have my schedule please?" Her eyes widened in realisation, "Oh yes, of course" she turned and rummaged around in the cabinet behind her. Not long after, she turned back around and handed me my schedule, "Here you go, have a nice first day" I smiled to her and made my way out of the room.
Not a second later I was grabbed by the arm and pinned against the wall, I gasped in shock as I looked up to see the dude from earlier, "what the h-" I was cut off when he placed his finger over my lips and shushed me, "Mine" he growled. Yes growled, I mean who growls. Before I could respond, he smashed his lips on to mine and ravished them. Instantly a strange spark ignited inside me, tingles erupted on my lips. I suddenly felt this uncontrollable pull towards him, like he's meant for me. Why do i feel like this? My brain told me to push him away and give him a piece of my mind and punch him in the face but my body failed to comply. Stupid hormones. I felt his hands grab my hips and pinned me harder against the wall with his body.
Before I knew it I was kissing him back. His hair was wrapped around my fingers as I pulled his lips closer to me. One of his hands stayed on my hip as his other hand, slid down to my thigh, his thumb, rubbing circles in a spot, sending shivers up and down my leg. His tongue swept into my mouth, exploring the interior. My eyes widened when I felt something very prominant against my stomach. All at once, it was like my body was released of his power and I managed to push him away before I began to panic. Suddenly, the sound of my smack against his cheek filled the empty hallway, "What the hell?" he was a good kisser and he was hot but I still had my morals. At least I thought I had, I'm not sure now since I made out with a complete stranger. I quickly stormed away and ran to my first class which was history.Yay. Note the sarcasm.
I walked in and was thankful that no one had arrived yet. So I took the back seat on the right side of the room next to the window. When I got settled, I thought about what just happened. what had just happened? A totally hot guy who I've never met before, growled that I was his and then kissed me and I reciprocated. Oh lord, I've turned into a slut, I need to find a church and fast.

I am the alphas mate
WerewolfI was grabbed by the arm and pinned against the wall, I gasped in shock as I looked up to see the dude from earlier, "what the h-" I was cut off when he placed his finger over my lips and shushed me, "Mine" he growled. yes growled, I mean who growls...