chapter 3

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I've edited so if some comments don't make sense, that's why. Enjoy!

It was a couple of minutes before people starting piling into the classroom. I got a few curious stares but no one came up and talked to me. I was staring out of the window in my own little world when a bag dropped on the table making me squeal and my heart missing a beat. I  held my hand over my erratic heart and was gasping, trying to get my breathing under control, "Oh! sorry I scared you" I looked up to see who had nearly given me a heart attack and it was a girl, with waist length wavy red hair, blue eyes, her body was on the skinny side and looked to be slightly shorter than me, so about 5'5'.

"It's okay" I replied once I calmed down, she sat down and smiled sheepishly at me and again started to apologise, "I'm really sorry, I sometmes forget that I'm a bit heavy handed" she blushes slightly red, "it's ok seriously" I hold my hand out to her and introduced myself, "I'm Kelsey" she takes it as realisation appears on her face,

"Oh, you're the new girl aren't you? Hi I'm Rachel" she said, shaking my hand and smiling at me, I reciprocate the gesture but before I can say anything a guy about early fifties maybe, walked in wearing a pinstriped black suit with slicked back grey hair and a briefcase, who I'm guessing is the teacher. He walked to his desk at the front of the room, bent down and placed his briefcase on the floor. Just then the class exploded into laughter.

The teachers hair, wasn't his hair. As he bent, the slicked back hair had fallen forward. Me and Rachel were laughing so hard, we snorted which made us laugh even more, through the beathless laughter, I managed to get out, "h-he looks l-like the o-old guy f-from Frozen" that made rachel laugh even more. Everyone immediately shushed when the teacher stood back up with a confused look on his face

"What's so funny?", no one answered but just about everyone was red in the face from holding back their laughter. The teacher soon got angry and demanded again, "Come on speak up! what's so funny?" the next thing that really killed me was when a guy in the back spoke up and said, "Calm down sir, keep your hair on" after that everyone couldnt hold back their laughter any longer and the room erupted with snorts and wheezing and throaty laughs.

But the teacher had to go and ruin it and say, "If you don't quiet down now, everyone will have an hours detention for a month and will have to write a 2000 worded essay on The American civil war" the room silenced then but as he turned around, there were a couple of giggles and chuckles still.

The teacher ignored them and wrote his name on the whiteboard, 'Mr Phillips' and underneath wrote 'The American civil war' Oh no i zoned out as soon as i read what the topic was. I suddenly miss learning about England's Monarchs which was insanely boring. As I stared out the window, I saw a P.E lesson going on and my eyes zeroed in on a certain guy. The one from earlier that I apparently belong to', deluded twat. But he was a hot deluded twat. In all of my 17 years, I've never been interested in boys or even thought about them but this one.

This one I couldn't get off my mind. I touched my fingers to my lips as I remembered the animalistic kiss we had shared ealier that morning.

My jaw went slack, when the greek god took his shirt off and poured a bottle of water over his head, the droplets running down his slightly stubbled face,over his pecks and over his eight pack. Cliché, I know, I normally hate cliché's but this one I am certainly loving. All of a sudden, a hand smacks down on the table in front of me, making me gasp and look up at the source of the bang. Mr Phillips was standing there with his eyebrow raised, "Would you like to answer the question Miss Winters?" "Um er, can you repeat the question please?"

Mr Phillips sighs an annoyed sign and with gritted teeth he repeats the question, "When did the cvil war start?" oh crap! i looked around the class for help and finally stopped on Rachel who shrugged and mouthed a 'sorry', i looked back at Mr Phillips and hesitantly answered, "Um 19-"

"Wrong! it was 1861 and you would have known that if you had paid attention instead of oogling hormonal teenagers outside" a couple snickers reach my ears and I felt my face turn a tomato red. Sir carried on teaching, as Rachel leaned closer to me and whispered, "That's Lucas", "What?" I whipped my head to her, confused as to what she was refering to. "The guy you were staring at with the eight pack, that's Lucas" oh, a hot name to go with a hot guy.

Oh my god what's wrong with you kelsey? this isn't like you. Just then the bell goes for next lesson, I see that I have science so I try to find my classroom but end up getting lost and being late. I enter the room right when Mrs Collins, I see the name on the board, was just about to talk, "Um sorry, I got lost"

"Not a problem, you're the new student Kelsey Winters right?" I nodded, "Ok well just take a seat in the back next to lucas". The name sent tingles through my body and I scanned the room till my eyes fell on the greek god Adonis sitting in the back with a grin on his face, that made me want to jump him and ravish his lips right there. Whoa, calm down cowgirl. I made my way to the back and settled down into the seat next to Lucas. I jumped when I felt his lips next to my ear and whispered seductively, "Hello again, beautiful". This is going to be a long lesson.

hope you guys enjoyed, make sure to comment your opinions and vote and share thank you!

kbushby124 :) xx

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