chapter 19

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I hope all of you guys are enjoying my story, i would love it, if you all could, vote, share and comment, I'd be so grateful, thank you!!!

Lucas's POV

I wa sitting at my desk in my office, in the pack house, when pain radiated throughout my head. i dropped my pen and clutched my head. i knew instantly, that it wasn't my pain, but my mates.

i stormed out of the office and sped down the stairs, grabbing my keys and strode towards the door. "Hey! what's going on?" Dylan called form the living room. "Kelsey's hurt!" i answered without stopping.

I hopped into my mercedes just as Dylan got into the passenger seat. i reversed out of the driveway, and and slammed on the gas, making the car so as fast as it could go.

OUR MATE IS HURT, GO FASTER YOU ASSHAT! my wolf, Zoric shouted at me.

i'm going as fast as i can go! i knew i shouldn't have let her go by herself. Yes, she was with her friends but still, i should have gone to make sure she was safe.

i pressed harder on the gas and made it to The Underground in just over 5 minutes. i quickly parked and dashed into the club, ignoring the bouncer, calling after me.

i looked at the bar and couldn't see any of the girls. i searched the dance floor and found Rachel, Carrie, Sarah and Abbie near the edge but no Kelsey. I grabbed Sarahs arm, "WHERE'S KELSEY!" i shouted over the music. "SHE WENT TO THE BATHROOM" she looked around confused and said, "bUT, SHE'S BEEN A WHILE" i heard the slur in her words, and knew instantly, i should never and trusted them, to look after her.

i sped over to the ladies bathroom and barge through the door in a panic, ignoring the squeals of women who were in there. i immediately smelt blood and found it on the wall next to the door.

i smelt it and found that it was Kelseys. i noticed droplets of mre blood on the floor and followed them out of the bathroom, around a corner and down a hallway. i ran faster in the bloods direction, hearing footsteps behind me, knowing it's the girls.

i stormed out of a door where the blood leads to an alleyway outside. There's still a blood trail, but it less, meaning, the bleeding should have stopped soon. i follow it acouple of meters down the alleyway till they just stop.

i can faintly smell a car thats recently been there. Meaning whoever took her could be long gone by now.

I tried to use our mind-link to find her and contact her, but i come up with a blank. i'm full on freaking out now. My mate is hurt, she's been kidnapped and is unreachable.

i clutched my head in frustration as i walked down the alleyway towards the entrance. i suddenly halt and Dylan asked what's going on. i tilt my head up and sniff. I smelt something that i haven't smelt in a long time. They never step onto my territory. Why would they want my mate?

Kelsey's POV

When my eyes slowly fluttered open, a dull pounding took over my head. i went to hold it and felt a stinging tug on my wrists. i looked to see that both my wrists and ankles were bound with silver chains, which are poisnous to werewolves. i carefully sit up, and lean against the stone wall that;s behind me to assess my surroundings. i'm in a small room, maybe 10ft in length and width. There are three walls that are made of stone and in front of me where there is supposed to be a wall. Is instead metal bars with a with a metal gate and a lock.

The floor is filthy and theres no bed or blankets. Only the hard, cold stone floor. Where the hell am i?

i try to mind-link with Lucas, but nothing happens. Like i'm blocked or something.

I tug at the chains, ignoring the stinging of the silver for as long as i can, before it becomes too unbareable and i have to let go. i check the chains and see, that i havent even created a slight bend in the chink. i'm stuck here.

i just closed my eyes, when i hear a slam. i snapped my eyes open and hear heavy footsteps coming towards me. i back myself as far back as i can against the wall, when i see two very intimidating men. Both standing at least 6'0' or so. One has short brown hair, whilst the other has longish blonde hair. They're both dressed th same; tight black t-shirts that show off the bulge of muscles in their arms and chest, and snug balck jeans with black boots.

They both had bright red eyes, like the guy at the club, but the thing that scared me the most was their teeth. sharp fangs protruded from their gums. Vampires. Why would vampires want me?

When the blonde started to unlock the door, i scrambled to the corner of the cell, not caring that the chains were biting into my skin. They both strode towards me, "Please, Please don't hurt me!" i pleaded, but they still advanced on me till the brown haired one grabbed me arm and dragged me into the middle of room and shoved me to the floor.

i felt one of the grab my hair and yank me up, but i didn't see who is was before i got punched in the face, slamming me to the ground, blood squirting from my nose. i screamed in pain and coughed as i gagged on my blood.

They yanked me up again to only punch me in the side of the my head. catching my ear, creating a ringing sound, to radiate through my head. I whimpered on the ground. i thought that was it, till pain exploded in my ribs, over and over again. i heard multiple snaps and immense pain on the last kick.

i coughed and whizzed. i looked down to see a little pool of blood from where i'd coughed. "Please, why are you doing this?" i asked, tears starting to spill from my eyes.

"Shut up, dog!" one of them shouted in a deep voice. i was rolled roughly onto my back, and soon felt a heavy black boot crushing my throat.

my eyes bulged at the pressure and lack of air getting to my lungs. i grabbed the boot and tried to yank it off, but the brown haired dude only pressed harder, cutting off my air completely. i thrashed around in panic, and started to see balck spots.

Just before i passed out, the pressure was released and i gulped in air, coughing between heavy breaths. i heard the door slam shut and the lock being clicked into place before the guys footsteps started to fade.

My throat was sore and my body cried in pain. i laid there completely still, as whenever i moved, my ribs was cause me immense pain. i waited in silence for my bdy to slowly heal as i finally floated into unconsciousness.


I jolted up coughing and shivering from the cold, as ice cold water was splashed onto me. there was now minimal pain in my sides and head, but i doubted that would last when i saw the same two guys from earlier, standing in front of me with menacing grins on ther faces. I tried to quickly back up, but the brown haired one grabbed my ankels and dragged me towards me, straddling me and holding my wrists and the blonde one unlocked the chains.

He squeezed my wrists until i cried out in pain when i felt my bones slightly crunch. my throat was still hoarse from being stepped on earlier. Next thing i knew, i was being slumped over the guys shoulder and carried out of my cell, down the walkway and out of a metal door.

There was another stone hallway with dim bulbs on both sides of the wall. We walked down it until we stopped at another door.

i was dropped to my feet and shoved in, the door being slammed shut. All of a sudden i was being yanked up onto my feet and dragged backwards into the middle of a stone wall like my cell but without the bar. i looked around and saw that there were at least five bulky men in here with me. Each with a toothy grin.

One of them snatched my wrists and pulled them obove my head, to lock them in shackles that were conncected to the ceiling.

My breathing increased as my heart started pounding, tears streaming down my face as they all closed in on me. What do they want with me? Out of the corner of my eye, i see one of the men grab a bat and with lightning speed, ran to my side and smashed the bat against my hip. My screams fllled the room as once again i was torured.

So, what did you guys think?

Can you think of why, the vampires would kidnap kelsey and beat her up. i would love to know your theories!

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