chapter 28

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Kelsey's POV

Once I'd finished my half of Lucas's breakfast, He'd told me that i should start greeting everyone as i'm going to be Luna and that i should start training, so i can put my new abilities to use.

So, there i stood in the clearing at the back of the house in a sports bra, tight yoya trousers that go to my knees and nike trainers. 

I was standing at the front of a crowd of people, ages ranging from 11 to 19. Lucas's brother Dylan was at the front with his shirt off and in his tracksuit bottoms. He was teaching the class as he's Lucas's beta. 

"Ok, everyone, we're going to work on our punches for an hour,then our kicks for another hour along with some blocks for both of them, then for the last hour we'll do some sparring, Now every one pair up with someone your own age then i want the other 16's to pair up with the under 16's. Off you go!" Dylans voice boomed with authority across the clearing. 

As, everyone started pairing up, i realised that i knew no one and before i knew it, everyone was paired up and i wasn't until, "Kelsey, come be my partner" 

I looked behind me to see rachel, running towards me. Just then, i'm blinded by rage. 

Her and her friends were meant to look after me that night we went out. They were meant to keep an eye on me and keep me safe.  But look where trusting them got me.

i could feel Kali, coming to the surface, clawing for her freedom. 

So i gave it to her.

Right as she reached me, she was slammed to the ground with a crunch.

Kali had taken over and had swung and punched Rachel right in her nose. "DON'T COME NEAR ME. YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO LOOK AFTER ME. I TRUSTED YOU AND LOOK WHERE THAT GOT ME. I'M A FREAKING MONSTER THATS KILLED SOMEONE INNOCENT!" When Kali shouted, our voice came out distorted between my normal voice and sorta like Darth Vaders voice.

I take a step to go after her, but am halted when warm, strong arms engulf my waist and pulled me backwards.Lucas. I breathed in his scent and it immediately calmed me down. 

Rag had dispersed and i could finally think clearly as Kali moved to the back of my mind. I looked down at Rachel, who was still on the floor, holding her nose that was pissing with blood. 

I gasped, "Rachel, i'm so s-" as i took a step forward towards her, Near enough the whole crowd behind her had hissed, snarled or growled at me.

I looked back at Rachel to see fear and sadness in her eyes and face. 

I felt myself whelling up, so i ripped myself from Lucas's grip, and jumped, letting my wolf break free, my clothes shredded. As i landed, i took off into the woods. 

Why did this happen to me? 

I've never done anything bad in my life, well apart from punching that guy back in England acouple of months ago. In my defense, he said divergent was shit, so i think it was an appropriate reaction, but anyways, i've been good.

i've never bullied, never got in a fight, i've been nice to people my whole life.

And what do i get? i got beaten for hours on end for 2 days, i was bitten by a vampire, suffered a very painful death only to wake up as a killing machine, who can't control her hunger to anger.

I killed an innocent man, and now i just injured my best friend. What the hell is wrong with me?

I just want to be normal again. 

I finally stop when i get a few a miles from the packs house. I shift into my human form and lean against a tree, trying to hold my tears in. 

I didn't deserve this. My rage built up again and before i know it, i'm running towards a tree and as it reach it, my leg flung out, smashing it to the ground with the bottom of my foot.

I stomped over to the fallen tree and stamped on it right in the middle so it split in half.

I yanked up one of the ends and flung it one way, hearing it abliterate to peices at it hits another tree, i do the same with the other.

I shifted into my wolf again and took off.

Kelsey, are you ok? Lucas's voice sounded in my head.

Yeah, i'm fine, i just need some time alone, i'll calm down soon. 

Ok, be careful, don't go too far, i love you.

I will, love you too. The mind link cut off and i carried on running. I soon reached the river where i came before. 

I shifted back human and sat on the edge, hugging my knees to my chest, and resting my forehead on top of them. 

I sat there crying my eyes out, thinking about what would happen to me if i didn't fix myself and none of them were good. 

I was so caught up in my head that i hadn't noticed, 2 werewolves sneak up behind me before i had a prick in my neck and blackness took over.

i'm sorry, it's short but i hadn't updated for 6 days so....

but i hope you enjoying, i would love to hear what you think, please




Thank you!!!

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