"How is she?" My Mom asked.
We were sitting at the family dining table waiting for doc to mind link me to say he's found something.
" She's pregnant" I said simply.
"Oh my god, i'm gonna have a little niece or nephew!" Amy squealed.
I lightly chuckle before replyng, "Yes you are, but the thing is she hasn't woke up yet and the baby appears to be growing fast"
My dad spoke up next, "what do you mean the baby appears to be growing fast"
"I mean, she's 4 weeks pregnant when under some circumstances she shouldn't be" I ducked my head to hide my embarressment, it's alright with other people, but it's not wth my parents. I mean who likes to talk about their sex life with their parents.
I looked up slightly and saw my moms eyes widen. "You forgot to use a condom!" She strode over to me and i shrunk back in my chair.
I'm the alpha but i'm still scared of my mom, especially when she's angry.
When she got next to me, i felt her hand whack me across the back of the head before i saw it, "How could you forget to cover yourself, she's 18, she's too young for a child" I bowed my head in shame, I mumbled a sorry.
I heard sigh, before i felt her bend over and wrap her arms around me, "No, i'm sorry, That was hypocritical of me, I did have you when i was 18. It's just that i was so inexperienced and we did have trouble, i just wanted her to be prepared unlike i was"
"It's ok mom, besides we're gonna have you to help us" she gave me a gentle smile before saying, "Of course you will"
Alpha, i have some news. Marks voice sounded in my head.
Ok, be right there.
"I've gotta go, Mark has some news about Kelsey"
I get up from the table and leave the house right after i hear my family shout me good luck.
I ran towards the infirmary, through the halls till i got to the room where Kelsey was.
I found the doc in there waiting, sat next to Kelsey, who was still unconscious.
Mark looked up and when he saw me he stood up an strode , "Alpha, i've done some tests and i've found that all of the vampire cells are gone, but her werewolf ones have changed slightly, they have a different molecular structure but I can't tell what that will do to Kelsey until she wakes up. I also done tests on the baby, as it's gonna be a hybrid just like Kelsey was and there are signs of it rapidly growing, it'll maybe be acouple of days before it reaches 12 weeks and we can find out the sex of the baby"
"Ok, do you have any idea why the baby is growing so fast?"
"Not really, nothing like this has happened before, if it has, either it's been kept hidden or people have forgotten"
"Ok, thanks Mark, can i have a couple of minutes with my mate alone please?"
"Of course alpha"
Mark walked out of the door closing the door behind him.
I turned towards Kelsey to see her lying there in the stupid hospital bed, in a stupid hospital gown. She doesn't belong there. She belongs in my bed with me.
I stood next to her and gazed at her.
Her full lips were a slight pinkish colour, light freckles covered the bridge of her nose. Her cheeks were a rosy colour that i missed when she became a vampire.
The thing i missed most was her eyes. It hasn't been very long but i do.
I miss her wide, innocent brown eyes.
I set the bed rail down, before climbing into the bed, wrapping my arm around her waist, lying my head on her chest, listening to her strong heartbeat.
I moved my hand to her stomach and smiled, when i felt the bump.
Thats my child in there. I closed my eyes and just listened.
Soon i could hear two lots of thumps.
Kelsey's and the babys.
I can't wait till we can do the ultrasound. I wanna refer to our baby as a he or she not an it.
Geez, i've never been this happy. I could feel myself drifting off, so I got under the blankets and engulfed Kelsey in my arms before i let myself fall asleep.
*a week later*
Today was the day of the ultrasound and i was giddy. I couldn't wait to see my baby. The only thing that saddened me though was the fact that Kelsey wasn't awake to see this.
I was sat next to her as Mark was getting the machine ready.
Once he was sorted, i lifted up Kelsey's top, which i know is weird and creepy Since we're doing this whilst she's unconscious.
Right as Mark squeezed the gel onto her stomach, the door opened.
We both looked towards the door to see Charlie, Kelsey's dad with my dad.
Long time no see. "Luke, don't be mad, Kelsey is his daughhter and your chld will be his grandchild, i thought it was only fair that he was here today, so i called him" My dad explained. I looked towards Charlie to see he had pleading eyes. I reluctantly nodded and his fac brightened up.
He strode further into the room, before my father shut the door, giving is som privacy.
I got up from my chair and let Charlie have it and i'd stand, since it was the only chair besides Marks in the room.
Once we were all comfortable, Doc, started rubbing the baby detector wand thing on Kelsey's belly. Don't judge me, i'm not a doctor, i dont know what these things are called. I watched the screen, watching for my baby to show.
A second later, i heard rhythmic thumping. But my eyebrow scrunched in confusion, because, i had no idea what i was looking at.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Marks, scrunch in confusion too.
"How did i miss this?" i heard him muttter.
"How'd you miss what? Is the baby ok?"
"Babies, alpha. You're having twins"
Black spots invaded my vision, before i fainted to the floor.
I hope you guys enjoyed!
The book will becoming to an end soon, so be prepared.
Thank you!! xx

I am the alphas mate
WerewolfI was grabbed by the arm and pinned against the wall, I gasped in shock as I looked up to see the dude from earlier, "what the h-" I was cut off when he placed his finger over my lips and shushed me, "Mine" he growled. yes growled, I mean who growls...