kelsey's POV
"So , when you moving in?" I'm surprised that my eyes didn't pop out considering our wide they went, when Lucas asked that insane question. I mean, who asks that, i know we're mates and all,but dude seriously, a bitch needs her space, you absolutely can not ask a girl that after only knowing her, just under 2 weeks.
"Excuse me, did you just ask me to move in with you?" Making sure i heard right, before shit went down, i mean i gotta make sure, 'cause i don't want to make an ass of myself.
"Yes, why don't you want to?" he asked, with his brows furrowed, completely confused by my reaction, "No, i don't want to, i barely know you, i am not just going to move in with you, because you say so", he cocked an eyebrow and i caught a smirk making its way to his plump lips, No, now it not the time to be checking him out, "Barely know me huh?, Then what was up with our little moment in the cupboard at school, or right now for that matter?"
i blushed a deep red, when i thought about what happened in the cupboard, i am never living that down. "Don't change the subject, i'm not moving in with you and thats final"
oh my god, shut up will you, seriously there is something really wrong with your hormones! i shouted at Kali,
MY HORMONES?, *clears throat* CUPBOARD, she sang the last bit, i inwardly growled at her.
Before i knew it, my back was flat on the bed, a bodyhovering close over me, knocked me out of my conversation with kali. i looked up to see Lucas face hanging above mine his irises fully black, instead of blue. He leaned his toned forearms on both sides of my hea, as he lifted the top half of his body off me but keeping his hips pressed against mine.
When he spoke, his voice was deeper than usual and was very husky, "You are so hot, when you take control, but right now, i am telling you what to do and if you don't listen, i will have to punish you" Kali howled with excitement when he mentioned punishing me, but me however, yes i found it an extreme turn on, when he went all alpha male, literally, but nobody tells this bitch what to do.
i scoffed and shoved him off, Kali whined at the loss of his body as i stormed our of the room and down the stairs, i went to the kitchen and instantly smelled chocolate, dessert, how could i have forgotten about dessert. That is a crime against nature to forget a pudding. When i entered, Rose looked and smiled a grin before she said, "Finally, desserts getting cold" she pulled me towards the counter and handed me a hot bowl that held, a piece chocolate cake with -oh my freaking god- melted chocolae on top and whipped cream around the edge.
i didn't waist anytime, gobbling it down. Lucas, not long after walked in and his eyes were back to their normal blue colour. He walked to me, gently grabbed my arm and tugged me out into the hallway, "Ok, i'm sorry about the whole moving in thing, but it's natural for an alphas mate to live with them immediately, but in your case, i guess it's not so natural, so for that i am sorry" huh? is this dude bipolar or something, one second he's bossing me about, the next he's apologising. ooooooook.
"It's ok, just don't order me about again, i won't listen to you" i warned him. he gave a sheepish smile and nodded.
It was nearing 8 o'clock when i said that i should be getting home. "Dad, do you want to come see mum?" he seemed hesitant before slowly nodding. i hugged everyone goodbye and pecked Lucas on the cheek. When we walked out, i saw that my car was here, i pouted my lip in confusion before Lucas called from the front door saying, "I brought it back for you" i smiled at him and yelled a thank you before hopping in and pulling out of the driveway, down the road with my dad following me.
About 20 minutes later and a phone call from dad to give me directions to my house from Lucas's , we made it back to mine. When i got out of my car, i realised mums car wasn't here. As i walked up to the house, no light was on and everythin was completely silent. i couldn't mum or anything. i have super hearing now, wicked right? i unlocked the door and hesitantly walked in. i turned the light on in the kitchen and the hallway, making my way upstairs.
i turned the upstairs light on and made my way to mums room, "Mum?" no answer. i swung the foor open to see nothing. literally. All the shelves and dressers were completey cleared of her stuff. i looked in her walk-in-closet and every piece of clothing that she owned was gone. i turned back around into the bedroom and saw dad holding a piece of paper. "what's that?" i walked over and dad looked at me with sad eyes, "i'm sorry darling" he held the piece of paper out for me to take.
i grabbed it and hastily read what the letter said,
Dear kelsey
i am sorry to do this but i have no choice, when you said you knew about your dad, i just knew that he had found you and from the amount you ate this morning, it reminded me of your dad and i just knew that you were like him. i prayed over the years that you weren't like that monster, when i divorced him, i was petrified that you would turn out like him.
But as time went on, i saw that you didn't show anything that would imply, you inherited his disease. but now i have a feeling that you do. So i am leaving as i can't live in the same house as something as unatural as that. You are old enough to live on your own so the house is yours.
good bye baby girl
By the end, tears are streaming down my face and i crumpled the letter, throwing it on the floor and i dropped to my knees with my head in my hands. "She left! She fucking left me!" i screamed.
she left. my own mother left me, just because she couldn't stand the fact that i was different. That i was like dad.

I am the alphas mate
WerewolfI was grabbed by the arm and pinned against the wall, I gasped in shock as I looked up to see the dude from earlier, "what the h-" I was cut off when he placed his finger over my lips and shushed me, "Mine" he growled. yes growled, I mean who growls...