I've edited some parts so some comments may or may not make sense, Enjoy!
I leaned heavily against the sink as the pounding in my head increased immensely. I clutched my head as I felt bile rise up in my throat. I rushed to the toilet just in time to throw up. Sweat poured down my face as I started to shiver uncontrollably. I started to panic as black spots covered my vision. I was curled up on the bathroom floor when I heard the bathroom door open.
I opened my eyes to see black shoes runing towards me before being lifted up against a rock solid chest. I immediatly knew it was Lucas. Even though I was mad at him for biting me, I couldn't help but curl into his warmth. I soon felt us moving at a fast speed right before I felt the cold and fresh air of the outside. I whimpered when my head got worse and my joints and muscles started to painfully ache.
Lips brushed against my head and Lucas whispered to me, "You're going to be ok, you're going to get through this". I opened my eyes, squinting at the suns brightness as Lucas sat me down in his mercedes and buckled me in. Soon we were driving out of the school and driving in the opposite direction that I live. "Hey, where we going?" I managed to say through the pain.
He grabbed my hand and said, "My house", what? what is going on? what the hell is happening?
"Your house? Why are you taking me there? take me h-" a bloodcurdling scream erupted from me as I felt the most horrendous stabbing pain in my stomach, I doubled over in my seat and clutched my stomach whilst I squeezed Lucas's hand. "We're almost there, baby, just hold on"
I screamed again as the pain started to spread around my body. My body felt so hot. It was like every single cell and nerve of my being was on fire. I started convulsing and gagging. "Stop the car, stop the car, stop the car!" by the end I'm screaming.
Lucas abruptly swerved the car to the side of the road and stopped. I grappled for the door handle as fast as I could before I jumped out, dropped to my knees and started dry heaving. "Lucas!" I called, I immediatly felt a hand on my back and another brushing my hair from my face before being leaned into his chest, "I'm here, baby, I'm here"
All of a sudden, a excrutiating pain scolded my fingers, I screamed bloody murder as I looked down. My index finger was bent sideways and was moving into a new position. "OH MY GOD!, WHATS HAPPENING?!" Soon all of my fingers were breaking with crack after crack followed by my screams of pain.
"Shit, it's faster than I thought" I heard Lucas curse. Right when I went to ask what he was talking about, my left leg snapped at an awkard angle. I screamed once again. I felt myself being lifted from the ground and being carried through the forest. By that point, I had tears streaming down my face, my throat raw from screaming. "DAD!" Lucas yelled.
I opened my eyes to see that we had come up to a huge 3 storey house. I only saw it for a split second before another wave of pain erupted from my right leg. That one snapping like my left one did. Oh god, what's going on?, why is this is happening to me?
"Lucas, please help me, make it stop!" I cried just as both of my arms broke, setting my nerves alight with absolute pain. I screamed once again. I felt myself being laid on the ground. The pain got even worse. Before, it was only parts of my body but this time my whole body was on fire and convulsing in pain. Every cell, every bone and every muscle was moving out of its original place.
I had no idea how long I was there for, all I knew was the pain that I was going through. As the pain finally began to dull, I saw a streak of brown right before I blacked out.

I am the alphas mate
WerewolfI was grabbed by the arm and pinned against the wall, I gasped in shock as I looked up to see the dude from earlier, "what the h-" I was cut off when he placed his finger over my lips and shushed me, "Mine" he growled. yes growled, I mean who growls...