I am going to be editing this book so if some of the comments don't make sense, that's why, Enjoy!
"Remind me again why we moved from England all the way to Vancouver" I asked my mum as I helped her with unloading boxes from the car. "My parents live here" my mum replied. "So? doesn't mean we have to live here" my mum gasped at my attitude, "Young lady, don't be rude, your grandparents are excited that we are here as they haven't seen us in so long, the least you could do is be nice about this" I sighed "I'm sorry mum it's just that, I liked it back home, I miss my friends". My mums eyes softened as she put the box she was holding down and pulled me into a hug, "I know honey, and I'm sorry but I think this could be good for us besides, the job that I got here pays really well and now I can give you more things that you want, we can go to more places and still be able to pay the bills without worrying about being broke, I want you to be happy". My mum is a lawyer and she has been for the last 9 years. She saved as much money as she could so we could move here and be stable or quite a while.
"I know but I'm going to miss my friends" I sulked, "And I'm going to miss mine but we'll both make new ones here, who knows you might find a man here and maybe I will too, I could finally get my groove on" she swung her hips as she said this, "Ugh, mum! I didn't want to know that" she laughed whilst carrying boxes into the house as I shuddered behind her.
Sorry I don't think I've introduced myself. My name's Kelsey Winters, I am 17 years old and have moved from England to Vancouver for more reasons than my mums letting on. She just says it's because her parents live here but I always catch this look that makes me think there's somethiing more behind the reasons for our move. let's see, what else is there to know, oh yeah my mum and dad are divorced. They seperated when I was 8, I remember waking up a few times to their arguing but I always blocked my ears because I couldn't stand it so I never knew what was said. This went on for a couple of weeks, mums even packed mine and hers stuff before taking me to a hotel, dad always found us but it just carried on. But then one night, I remember dad coming into my room, whispered something, kissed my forehead before leaving. When I woke up the next morning, he was gone. I can't for the life of me remember what he whispered but whatever it was, doesn't matter now because I haven't seen my dad since. Sometimes when I've been in the playground, I always think I see him standing at the gate but he's gone as soon as I take a double look. When ever I ask my mum why they split up, her face turns into a scowl, with a hint of fear in her eyes and she just says "because he's a monster". But from what I remember of him, he was the sweetest dad there was. I don't remember him ever being mean or violent or anything that would make my mum say he was a monster. For as far as I can remember, my dad would always play with me and make me laugh, and on my birthday we would go out for dinner and go have some ice cream afterwards. I also remember, dad putting me on his shoulders so I would always have the perfect view of the fireworks every new year in London. I miss him but other times I hate him for not putting up more of a fight, for all these years, he hasn't once tried to get into contact with me. That thought helps me get through the pain of not seeing him again.
When I unloaded my boxes into my room and unpacked, I could finally see what my room looked like. It was bigger than my last room in England. All of my furniture had already been moved in. My double bed with my red floral duvet on top was pushed against the wall under the window to the left of the room, my bed side table was sitting next to it with my little lamp on top. I sat the boxes down before making my way over to a door on the right. I swung it open to discover a walk in closet! Fancy right? There was another door next to it so I opened it to reveal an en-suite bathroom. I literally thought I had died when I saw it, there's a bath tub and separate shower, there's also a vanity sink, with a mirror above it. I squealed with delight when I saw everything. I guess moving isn't too bad.
Later that night, I had trouble getting to sleep. I kept thinking about the idea of starting school. I mean, would I make any friends? would anyone like me? What if I embarrassed myself on the first day, oh my god what if I tripped , slipped on something, done the splits and my trousers ripped, flashing my knickers. No, calm down Kelsey, you're overthinking things besides you've still got a week to go. I threw out anything negative from my mind and thought positive things. Everything's going to be fine, nothing bad is going to happen, all will be good. Finally tiredness caught up with me, right before I fell asleep, I heard the faint sound of a howl.
so what do you think? please comment your thoughts on it and comment some suggestions on who you think will best cast as Kelsey

I am the alphas mate
WerewolfI was grabbed by the arm and pinned against the wall, I gasped in shock as I looked up to see the dude from earlier, "what the h-" I was cut off when he placed his finger over my lips and shushed me, "Mine" he growled. yes growled, I mean who growls...