Part 37

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Bunty didn't realise how difficult it was looking after a child... Let alone two.

Around a year after Elliot was born, Finn insisted that they had another child. Bunty refused at first, noting how Finn didn't really connect to Elliot, as she was always doing everything for him herself. But Finn said how it'd be best if he had a brother or sister and she eventually gave in. She knew how she enjoyed having siblings as a child, despite them falling out now, and Finn loved having siblings when he was younger.

Then nine months later, Florence was born. When she was born, Finn fell in love with her instantly. She already had a tuft of ginger hair and soft bluey-green eyes. Bunty knew she was going to have Finn wrapped around her finger when she grows up.

"Finn," Bunty said loudly up the stairs, holding Florence in her arms, cooing her as she cried. Elliot playing with a toy horse by her feet.

"Yes?" He peeped his head down the stairs.

"Can you hold Flo for a bit? She won't stop crying," she said, her voice a bit desperate.

"Have you tried feeding her?" He asked, heading down the stairs.

"Of course I've tried," she snapped before sighing, "I'm sorry, I'm just so tired," she told him, handing Florence over.

Finn started lightly rocking her, "did you sleep last night?"

"I couldn't," she said, sitting down next to Elliot, holding out her arms and he toddled into them.

"Mama," he smiled.

"Hey Elli," she replied, looking up at Finn, "she stopped crying, thank goodness."

"You should take a nap," Finn said, crouching down and touching her cheek.

"I can't," she told him, "I need to make dinner, Elliot needs a bath, Flo needs to be fed soon," Bunty listed.

"I'll look after everything," he told her, "apart from feeding Flo," he added, "I'll wake you up when she needs feeding, okay? You need to sleep."

"Okay," she gave in, standing up with Elliot in her arms, "Elli, dada's gonna give you a bath, okay?"

"No!" Elliot shook his head, clutching Bunty's dress, "want mama."

Bunty frowned slightly, "mama needs to sleep."

"Me sleep," Elliot said with a little pout.

"Okay," she looked at Finn, "I'll bathe him when we wake up."

"You shouldn't let him get away with everything," Finn commented.

"He doesn't get away with everything," she sighed, "besides, you'd have your hands full if you have to do everything; this is probably for the best."

Finn just nodded.

"Say bye-bye to Dada and Flo," she told Elliot.

"Bye-bye, Dada, Flo," he waved his hand which still had the horse clutched in it.

Finn gently shook Flo's hand as if she was waving at them. "Sleep well, love."

Bunty smiled, the faintest blush on her cheeks, "have fun."

Bunty went to her and Finn's room and placed Elliot on the bed and went to the other side, climbing in the bed. Elliot crawled over to her and nuzzled into her chest.

Elliot fell asleep almost instantly, but Bunty couldn't sleep, she gently stroked her son's soft brown hair. From the start, she knew Finn wasn't overly interested in their son and tried his best to avoid the responsibilities of looking after him. But now it was getting to the point where she felt that Elliot was realising this and wanted to avoid him. It also didn't help that Finn is enamoured by their daughter and wants to spend more time with her, leaving Elliot feeling left out.

Eventually, Bunty fell asleep into a dreamless sleep.


"Fuck!" A loud swear echoed through the house, causing Bunty to bolt awake.

"Finn?" Bunty left Elliot, who miraculously was still asleep, in her bed and ran downstairs. "Finn?" She rushed into the kitchen and found Finn holding a crying Florence with a broken plate and a bunch of food scattered on the floor. "What happened?"

"I dropped the plate," he deadpanned.

"I can see that," she rolled her eyes, "how did it happen?"

"I tried moving it to the table with one hand, and Florence moved, so it fell," he told her, "I'm sorry," he told her sincerely.

"It's nothing to be sorry over," she told him, gently touching his face, "I'll take Flo and you can clean this mess up," she kissed his lips before taking her daughter from his arms. "You hungry baby?" She cooed to her daughter, who was still crying.

"I'll make something else," Finn told her.

"I'll feed Flo, then bathe Elli," she informed him. Finn nodded and started picking up the broken plate.

Bunty went upstairs to the nursery and fed Flo before placing her in her crib, allowing her to sleep. She then went to her room and gently shook her son awake. "Elli, wake up, it's bath time."

"Mama bath?" He looked up and rubbed his eyes.

"Yes, I'm bathing you," she nodded.

"Horse?" He held his horse up.

"Yes, you can bring your horse," she chuckled, picking him up and heading to the bathroom. She placed him down on the toilet (lid down) and began to run the bath. She only filled it partway. Elliot managed to pull his socks off but had trouble undoing his buttons.

Bunty helped him and placed him in the bath; she smiled as he made his horse "run" over the water, causing little splashes every time the horse hit the water. Bunty chuckled, gently scooping water over his hair, being careful not to get it in his eyes.

"Bunty, dinner's ready," Finn shouted up the stairs.

"Okay, give us a moment," she replied. Bunty grabbed a towel and held it out, "come on, bath time's over."

"Okay," his face had a little frown, and he climbed out. Bunty tickled his belly, making him giggle and smile.

Bunty wrapped him up in the towel then she scooped him up in her arms. She took him to the nursery and to his draws which held all his clothes. She picked out his pyjamas and helped him changed.

Bunty held his hand as they went to the table where Finn was waiting, drinking a glass of whiskey. "Sorry we took so long," she apologised, helping Elliot into the baby seat to have his food and then sat next to him.

"It's alright," he said, "want some?" He held out the whiskey bottle.

"I better not," she said, looking at their son who was happily eating the food in front of him. "This looks good," Bunty said, looking at the food Finn placed in front of her.

"Thanks, but it probably tastes like shi-"

"Don't swear," Bunty hissed, "not in front of Elliot; he's started to pick up more words."


Bunty enjoyed the meal and began cleaning up while she made Finn put Elliot to bed. Finn came back down and wrapped his arms around her waist, pressing his lips to her neck. "Finn," she gasped, turning around and pressing her lips to his. "Wait," she pulled back slightly, "are the kids asleep?" Finn hummed, nodding. "Carry on then," she giggled.

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