Part 20

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When Bunty woke up, Finn told her everything about the robbery. He told her everything that Tommy had told him. "And he wants me to be a part of that?" She questioned, stripping from her clothes, Finn respectably looked away.

"Yeah, he's says that you'd need to stick with me for it, we work together" he told her.

"This whole idea sounds complicated and dangerous, Finn. It doesn't sound like a good idea."

"You're beginning to sound just like fucking Linda" Finn exclaimed, "what happened to you?"

"What the fuck" Bunty turned to him, crossing her arms over her chest, "you can't say that to me, this business is fucking dangerous, you're talking about the Russians and stealing fucking armoured vehicles"

Finn turned to her, ignoring the fact she was just in her underwear, he had a dangerous look on his face, but before he did or said anything stupid he glared at her before leaving the room, slamming the door shut.

"Fuck" Bunty swore, kicking her pyjamas on the floor, Nickel whined up at her owner, "Nickel, it's okay" she cooed, stroking the dog's fur. "We're going to go on a little trip" Bunty whispered to her, "we're going to go to London"

Bunty packed a small bag after getting dressed and called Nickel to follow her, she walked to Isaiah's house, she knocked on the door, waiting patiently for someone to open the door. "Bunty? What are you- why have you got a bag?" Isaiah asked multiple questions, looking concerned.

"Take me to London, please" Bunty asked him.

"Why do you need to go to London?" He asked.

"I need to get away from Finn and this robbery stuff"  Bunty told him truthfully.

"So Finn wouldn't know?" He then asked.

She nodded, "please, Isaiah" she begged.

"All right, fine" he said in defeat, "I'll have to steal dad's car though"

"Great" Bunty said, turning around and walking towards the vehicle.

"If I get in trouble for this, I'll tell everyone you held me at gun point" Isaiah said jokingly.

"Tell them that, I couldn't give a shit" she opened the backdoor of the car and let Nickel in before climbing into the passenger's side.

"Where about are you heading?" He said as they started driving down the road.

"To Ada's, I don't have any friends besides you and Michael but you both live so close to Finn so I couldn't stay with either of you. But maybe when I get there I could find a place to rent," she told him, "if I can find a place not owned by the Shelby company"

"Good luck with that" Isaiah laughed, "you better invite me around to your place once you get it"

"I promise I will"

Soon they were arriving at Ada's house and Bunty got out, grabbing her bag and Nickel from the backseat. She knocked on the door and a young male appeared. "Hello, is Ada here, Ada Shelby or Thorne, I'm not sure which name she uses here"

"She is, what's your name?" The man asked.

"Bunty Shelby, I'm married to her brother, Finn." She told him.

"Ada!" He shouted into the house, "a Bunty Shelby wants to speak with you"

"Let her in, sorry about that Bunty, he's a bit wary of people around here" Bunty followed Ada further into her house, Nickel trotting up behind them. "What can I do for you, Bunty?" Ada asked politely, gesturing for her to take a seat and help herself to the whiskey on the side table.

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