Part 26

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It was now John's funeral, everyone sombre, everyone wearing black. Bunty and Finn placed their notes to John and a peacock feather onto his caravan.

Bunty and Finn stood next to Finn's uncle Charlie. "We're like sitting ducks here if the wops come," he told his uncle.

"Yeah, well, Tommy said we should do it in the open"

Thomas started giving a eulogy about John.

Bunty held Finn's arm, she could feel him shaking, fighting back his emotions, keeping on a stoic face. The caravan got lit and they all watched the flames lick the sides of it, burning everything it touched. The flames soon engulfed the whole caravan.

A gunshot cracked through the air, followed by the shocked gasps from everyone there, Finn pulled Bunty down with him, both grabbing their guns out of their jackets. Bunty didn't have any other black clothes so she wore her uniform.

"At ease! At ease!" Thomas shouted, "Do not return fire. I repeat, do not return fire. Stand down" He shouted. "The men doing the firing are on our side"

"What the fuck, Tommy!" Bunty exclaimed first, "this is a fucking funeral!"

"Bunty, calm down," Thomas told her before turning towards where another gunshot echoed, "I took the trouble of inviting Aberama Gold"

"Oh, Fuck" Johnny Dogs exclaimed, "now it's begun"

"You put us out in the open on purpose" Polly stated. "To use John's funeral fire as a fucking beacon"

"We were never in any danger, Polly," Arthur told his aunt.

"You set a trap" she proceeded to shout.

"Finn? Finn? Go to the yard and light the fires"

"No, fucking hell, Tommy!" Bunty tried to hold Finn back but he followed his brother's orders. "You are fucked up, Thomas" she spat at him before running after her husband. "Finn!" Bunty shouted. Finn slowed his pace down slightly, "why do you always follow what he says?"

"You do the same, you bloody work for him"

"Aren't you mad that he used John's funeral as bait?"Bunty questioned, ignoring his previous statement.

"Okay, yeah, I am mad," Finn told her, "but now there are two fewer wops trying to kill all of us, trying to kill you and I'm thankful of that" he walked away faster to the yard.

"Finn, I'm sorry," she told him, catching up to him again. "I'm just- I- I just don't know how you can cope with it, doing everything your brothers tell you. You do more work than me and it's mostly just odd jobs like "pour us a drink, will you Finn?" "Go light the fire, Finn", how do you cope?"

"You," He said, "you help me cope," he told her, pressing a small kiss on her lips to shut her up, "I really do need to light those fires though"

"I'll help, but Finn, you really need to stop taking so much shit from your brothers," She told him. Finn just hummed.

They reached the yard and they both lit the fires, making them burn, Bunty stood next to one, warming up her hands when she spotted the two bodies being carried in and dumped on the ground near the boat Curly had prepared. Finn helped chuck them onto the boat, she decided to go over to her husband, Tommy and Curly.

"Not too far and not too deep, Curly, I need the message to get through," Thomas told Curly.

"Okay, Tommy" he replied, covering part of the boat with a tarp.

"Finn, you go with him" Finn looked at his brother in question, "go on. Go with him" Tommy urged.

"But dinner?" Bunty said, looking over at the table.

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